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Community Organizations Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children
Non Governmental organization


United Kingdom
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The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. It was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 in order to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities, as well as providing emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts.

In addition to the UK organisation, there are 29 other national Save the Children organisations who are members of the Save the Children Alliance, a global network of nonprofit organisations supporting local partners and Save the Children International in more than 120 countries around the world.



Displaying 1 - 5 of 11

A Nutrition and Food Security A ssessment of the Dry Zone of Myanmar in June and July 2013

Reports & Research
June, 2013

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: "This assessment of the rural Dry Zone reveals the
nutrition situation to be a concern, with high
rates of wasting and medium rates of stunting, high rates of low birth weight and high rates
of undernutrition among mothers; particularly
those who are pregnant and/or lactating. The
pattern of indicators suggests that flood plains and irrigated areas are best off,
and the
highlands may be worst,
but the situation is far from acceptable in the Dry Zone as a whole.

Children and women’s rights to property and inheritance in Mozambique: Elements for an effective intervention strategy

Reports & Research
June, 2009

Covers traditional cultural norms and values, including property and inheritance, religion and witchcraft; and learning from good practice, including advocacy, influencing customary legal culture, support services, awareness raising, children’s knowledge and life skills, conclusions and recommendations. Based on studies in Gaza, Manica, Zambezia and Nampula.

Breaking Through the Clouds: A Participatory Action Research (PAR) Project with Migrant Children and Youth Along the Borders of China, Myanmar and Thailand

Reports & Research
April, 2001

1. Introduction;
1.1. Background;
1.2. Project Profile;
1.3. Project Objectives;
2. The Participatory Action Research (PAR) Process;
2.1. Methods of Working with Migrant Children and Youth;
2.2. Implementation Strategy;
2.3. Ethical Considerations;
2.4. Research Team;
2.5. Sites and Participants;
2.6. Establishing Research Guidelines;
2.7. Data Collection Tools;
2.8. Documentation;
2.9. Translation;
2.10Country and Regional Workshops;

Small Dreams Beyond Reach: The Lives of Migrant Children and Youth Along the Borders of China, Myanmar and Thailand

Reports & Research
November, 2000

A Participatory Action Research Project
of Save the Children(UK)...

1. Introduction;
2. Background;
2.1. Population;
2.2. Geography;
2.3. Political Dimensions;
2.4. Economic Dimensions;
2.5. Social Dimensions;
2.6. Vulnerability of Children and Youth;
3. Research Design;
3.1. Project Objectives;
3.2. Ethical Considerations;
3.3. Research Team;
3.4. Research Sites and Participants;

Food Commodity Traders (SOMO)


The unequal global food system is unsustainable for people and planet, and there is an urgent need to rethink how the world feeds its people. The combination of extreme inequality and poverty, human rights violations, conflict, climate change and sharp food and energy price inflation, accelerated by the war in Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic, has already resulted in hundreds of millions of people not having enough to eat. The global food crisis has been partially made worse by the record high increase in food prices. According to the World Bank update as of August 2022, wheat and maize prices are 2% higher than January 2022, while rice is 6% higher. But while millions of people are struggling to find and afford their next meal, the world’s main foodtraders have made record profits. The Cargill family, which owns the majority of one of the world’s largest food traders, saw their fortune increase by almost $20m a day from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, the company made almost $5bn in net income, the biggest profit in its history. Some other traders have also captured a large share of the money – for example, Bunge saw its profits rise by 19% between the first quarter of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022. Another big trader, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), saw its net income rise from $1.105 billion to $1.539 billion over the same period. These companies are further forecasting demand to outpace supply at least until 2024, which will most likely result in even higher revenues and profitsin the next two years. According to estimates, ADM, Bunge, Cargill, COFCO and LDC (collectively known as the ABCD group) together account for between 75% and 90% of global grain trade , though even the most reliable estimates remain uncertain. Despitethe immense market power of these five companies, the traders have historically preferred to operate behind the scenes, often positioning themselves as mere market facilitators rather than active and powerful actors in food supply chains. In addition, two of the four companies, Cargill and LDC, are privately-owned family businessesthat provide very limited transparency into their operations and financial performance, and COFCO is a Chinese state-owned enterprise. As a result of the opaqueness surrounding the traders, public scrutiny towards the role of these companies in food crises has been limited, and data and knowledge on their power within the food system remains inadequate. But behind the scenes, commodity traders have been associated with profound impacts on human rights and the environment. According to the Business <(>&<)> Human Rights Resource Centre, food commodity traders have been accused of land rights abuses, displacement, and violence, including death threats against human rights defenders.There have also been accusations of child and forced labour, unsafe and even deadly working conditions, as well as environmental impacts such as contamination of soil and water, and deforestation. These same traders have also been widely associated with aggressive tax planning and corruption in various countries. One of the most prominent allegations surfaced in 2011, when the Argentinian government launched an investigation into ADM, Bunge, Cargill and LDC when prices for agricultural commodities spiked in 2008 and yet no increase in profit for the four companies had been reported to the Argentinian tax authorities. According to the investigators, the companies had submitted false sales declarations, funnelled profits through tax havens, and used phantom firms to buy grain at inflated costs to reduce recorded profits. The case is still ongoing, although the accused companies continue to deny all allegations. Reflecting on the current food crisis and the record profits among traders, there is an urgent need to better understand the role of commodity traders in the current global food system. The opaqueness surrounding the ABCCD traders, limited availability of data, and the general lack of public scrutiny towards these companies necessitate research to form the basis of a well-founded campaign calling for regulatory restrictions to limit traders’ negative impacts on people and the planet, to curb the power of commodity traders within the global food system, to fairly tax their record profits in times of crisis, and/or to restrict financing of traders and speculation on food commodities. The research will be split up in two parts: 1) Profit <(>&<)> power:A corporate profile of the food traders. The first part of the research functions as a crucial lead up and background information to the second part by providing a picture of the five biggest agri-food traders and their respective operations, an example of a supply chain and the profits of the top holdings. This part of the research will also explore how and why these ABCCD traders have benefitted from recent food crises. 2) Traders <(>&<)> taxes: A case of tax avoidance? The second part of the research explores whether the ABCCD have been involved in aggressive tax planning practices. The ABCCD traders have a track record of profiting during times of crisis, while also facing significant accusations of aggressive tax planning in relation to those profits. These allegations include false declarations of sales, transfer mispricing, routing profits through tax havens, and manipulation of taxable profits. Based on financial statements and corporate documentation, the research will provide an overview of evidence whether food commodity traders make use of aggressive tax planning tactics. Following this analysis, one food commodity trader will be selected for further research to function as a case study on aggressive tax planning strategies, particularly in relation to the traders’ activities in the Netherlands.