Human Development Research Centre (HDRC), established in 1999, is a leading multidisciplinary research-cum-action organization in Bangladesh. HDRC, through a team of multidisciplinary experts—comprised permanent research staff and a pool of external experts— has been credited with over 200 completed studies by its name.
HDRC’s major areas of research are—Health & Family Planning, Child & Maternal Issues, Livelihood & Food Security, Adolescent & Youth, Water-Sanitation, Poverty, Land Issues, Indigenous Peoples in Hills and Plains, Public Financing, Management Accounting, Energy economics (focusing Rural Electrification), Migration & Remittances, Tobacco Economics, Governance & Decentralization, Unit Cost/Value for Money, Value Chain Analysis, and Gender.
Large scale primary data collection, analytical ability, statistical analysis, policy research, research-based advocacy, and report writing both in English and Bangla are core skills of HDRC. Regarding primary data collection—HDRC is seasoned in covering hard-to-reach areas and indigenous comminutes using both paper-based and computer-based survey formats.
Displaying 1 - 1 of 1Land Law Review and Drafting of Land Laws for Bangladesh
The complexity and magnitude of issues pertaining to land administration and management in Bangladesh cannot be overstated. The nature and volume of land disputes in the nation indicate the inefficiency of the land administration system and land dispute resolution mechanisms. Especially multiple claims to the same property-fuelled by the uncoordinated land recording systems-are widespread. land grabbing presents huge legal and governance related challenges.