Displaying 21 - 25 of 117Regulation No. 1354 on criteria for assessing the Pasture Fund damages.
This Regulation establishes the obligation to fully and immediately compensate damages caused to the Pasture Fund. Such compensation includes: (i) the real value of the damage caused to the pasture, meadow or any other infrastructural objects; (ii) the cost of turning the situation into its preliminary status.
Normative Act No. 5 dated 30.9.2009 amending Law No. 9948 dated 7.7.2008 examining the legal validity of the agricultural land ownership titles, as amended.
The normative Act amends Article No. 5 of Law No. 9948 of 2008 by establishing the Land Governmental Commission as the new authority responsible for the implementation of the Law No. 9948 enforcement.
Amends: Law No. 9948 on the examination of the legal validity of ownership titles relating to agricultural lands. (2008-07-07)
Decision No.1190 dated 13.11.2009 on the organization and functioning of the National Agency of Territory Planning.
The Decision 1190 of 2009 lays down the framework of the National Agency of Territory Planning (NATP) as a legal entity under the authority of the Minister of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunication. The Decision is composed of the following Chapters: General Provisions (I), NATP Responsibilities and Duties (II), Organization Management and Administration of NATP (III), Hiring Procedures (IV), Final Provisions (V).
Implements: Law No. 10119 on land use planning. (2009-04-23)
Regulation No. 408 date 13.5.2015 approving the territory planning and development regulation.
The Regulation lays down the criteria and the rules of procedure for the implementation of the instruments of territory planning and development. It consists of two main parts covering General Provisions (1), and Territory Development (2). The Territory Development sets forth provisions on documents and procedures required for the assessment of territory development, application and issuance of construction permits, buildings uses, development of detailed local plans, and preparation of criteria and instruments for the territory development.
Decision No. 255 on the procedures for collecting, processing and administering the appropriation acts during restitution and compensation property procedures.
This Decision lays down provisions governing the collection and management of appropriation acts carried out during property restitution and compensation procedures. The Decision is composed of the following two Parts: I) Collection of acts; II) Administration of acts. The Committee for Restitution and Compensation of Property is responsible for the enforcement of this Decision.
Implements: Law No. 9235 on restitution and compensation of property. (2004-07-29)