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Cities need to grow up - not out - to survive, researchers warn

31 January 2019

Poor land records, rampant speculation and weak or corrupt implementation of regulations means that cities are using land inefficiently

WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Urban areas are expected to grow by 80 percent by the end of the next decade, and unless they grow up rather than out, they could be in trouble, according to a new report from the World Resources Institute and Yale University.

Scottish Land Commission launches new guidance on engagement over land ownership

31 January 2019

The Scottish Land Commission has launched a new toolkit to provide practical advice on how landowners, land managers and communities can make better decisions on land use.

The protocol, which defines good practice for engagement over land use and management, is the first in a series of publications from the commission aimed at encouraging practical implementation of the principles within the Scottish Government’s Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement (LRRS).

Families told they have ‘no right to land’ vow to fight on

30 January 2019

Authorities have claimed that some 100 families who clashed with police in Preah Sihanouk province’s Prey Nop district last week have no legal rights to the land as they do not possess proper titles.

However, the villagers claim to have lived there for a significant time after having paid for their plots – something not recognised by the authorities, with one vowing to die for his.

Cities could help conserve pollinator communities

30 January 2019
  • While cities are generally considered to be poorer in biodiversity than rural areas, new research finds that urban areas could actually play a key role in conserving pollinator communities.
  • A team of researchers led by scientists at the UK’s University of Bristol studied pollinators and floral resources at 360 sites in four British cities representing all major urban land uses, including allotments (community gardens), cemeteries, gardens, man-made surfaces like parking lots, nature reserves and other green spaces, parks, sidewalks, and road verges.

Call for Session Proposals: LANDac Annual International Conference 2019!

31 January 2019

We are very pleased to invite proposals for sessions for the LANDac Annual International Conference 2019. Practitioners, researchers, policymakers, all are welcome to organise a session at this year’s conference. We welcome workshops, panels, roundtables, debates, talk shows and other innovative formats. Films and exhibitions are also very welcome, as well as posters about your organisation or project.

How the Land Portal is helping overcome data barriers

29 January 2019
Stacey Zammit

Having and using information has always been a powerful force for change, helping to fight corruption, enabling citizens to participate more fully in public life and allowing people from all walks of life to exercise their fundamental human rights. We live in a time when paradoxical topics such as ‘fake news’ and ‘big data’ are part of our everyday lives.

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