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The present Regional Act lays down provisions in matter of abandoned lands, uncultivated lands and lands which are insufficiently cultivated, so as to ensure the rational exploitation of agricultural lands falling within the Emilia Romagna Region and encourage the general agricultural development. First of all, articles 2 and 3 define the elements and criteria to be taken into account to determine the abandoned or uncultivated lands to which the present Act shall apply. The Provinces are in charge of the census and classification of lands. Abandoned and uncultivated lands shall be subject to the reallotment system hereby regulated. They may be assigned to the applicants which fulfill the requirements hereby established and in compliance with the priority criteria fixed under article 6. The reallotment must be notified to the owners, which are entitled to resort to the Regional Council. The Regional Entity for Agricultural Development shall elaborate projects to plan the public interventions to be undertaken as regards soil protection and strengthening of land productivity.