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Displaying 1165 - 1176 of 1184

This Act carries into effect provisions of Title 7.5 of the Civil Code (on land lease), which incorporates provisions of the land Lease Act which has been repealed at the coming into force of the Title. The provisions here implemented concerning Land Tribunals to be designated by the Crown.…


This Act provides for an administrative arrangement for central and local authorities concerning spatial planning and development in rural areas. In particular, the Act aims at geographically directed policy by competent authorities for the development of rural areas. It also provides for an…


This Regulation is made for purposes of article 15, comma 8 of the Decree Discharge Open Cultivation and Livestock Breeding. It prescribes the methods for determination of spray caps used in specified systems for the spraying of pesticides as spray caps with a low-pressure output.


This Act makes amendments principally to the Soil Protection but also the Environment Act, the Act on Economic Offences and the Act on Pollution of Surface Waters in relation with deposit in or on the soil of construction materials, soil and dredging. The amendments concern the making of rules…


This Act amends: (a) the Soil Protection Act in various provisions in relation with the making of Orders and by inserting new sections 12A and 12B concerning the regulation by Order of the use of construction materials and dredging mud in the subsoil and a certain discretionary power of…


This Act makes provision for the planning of public space in the Netherlands at various levels of the administration and to regulate permission for specified constructions and destination of private property.The Act requires various types and policies (including a national planning) to be…


This Act provides for monitoring and control of the alienation of agricultural lands and nature areas for purposes of a balanced market development and to ensure the priority right of acquisition of agricultural lands and nature areas by the Office for the Administration of Agricultural Land.…


This Decree implements articles 6, 7, 15 and 65 of the Soil Protection Act by providing rules for the use of fertilizers of animal origin and other organic fertilizing substances such as sludge. It places restrictions on use of such substances to protect the soil and water resources.


This Decree implements provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act in relation to, among other things: the form and publication of various planning decisions, public hearings and consultation, standard rules for municipal plans, exemptions from requirements of plans, financial arrangements,…


This Act amends the Town and Country planning Act in relation with the extension of powers of municipal authorities to regulate and impose conditions regarding the establishment, quality and operation of construction sites and constructed-related operations regarding the soil.
Amends: Town…


This Decree concerns the protection of the soil from polluting substances and works that deteriorate the quality of soil. The Decree prescribes rules for the use of construction materials and defines methods to measure effects on the environment and in particular the subsoil groundwater. Other…


This Act provides special rules relative to the integrated approach for the improvement of the quality of areas that are particularly problematic as regards town and country planning, nature, forest resources, recreation, water and the environment in general (concentration areas). A…