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Policy Papers & Briefs
November 2016

This issue of the E-newsletter consists of three stories: 1.Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) in Georgia 2. European Countries aim for ‘Green Economy,’ reducing deforestation 3. FAO and ILO working together to stamp out child labour in agriculture.

Reports & Research
November 2016

Meeting Name: Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA-16/17/15
Session: Sess.16

Reports & Research
November 2016

See the <a></a>"&gt;Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management adopted by the fourth Global Soil Partnership Plenary Assembly.

Reports & Research
November 2016

African agrifood systems are being transformed by multinational capital. To date, research on this transformation has focused most intently on the rise of supermarkets and demand for African land. Multinational investment in African grain trading has received less attention. Using a range of…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2016

تقرّ الخطوط التوجيهية الطوعية بشأن الحوكمة المسؤولة لحيازة الأراضي، ومصايد الأسماك، والغابات، في سياق الأمن الغذائي الوطني بأنّ الاستثمارات المسؤولة التي ينفّذها القطاعان العام والخاص أساسية لتحسين الأمن الغذائي، وتدعو إلى استثمارات تصون مستخدمي الأراضي ومالكيها من خطر نزع ملكيتهم لحقوق الحيازة…

Reports & Research
November 2016

This report takes place within the framework of the regional project “Maximize the production of goods and services of Mediterranean forest ecosystems in the context of global changes” (2012-2016) financed by the French Global Environment Facility together with the German Cooperation (GIZ), the…

Reports & Research
November 2016

Dealing with private property for public purposes : an interdisciplinary study of land transactions from a micro-scale perspective

Reports & Research
November 2016

For many years, land markets have been analyzed as though parcels of land were being traded in a frictionless market subject to no rules. To the extent that there were rules which could not be ignored – such as land-use regulations – the effect of these was incorporated as ‘distortions’ to the…

Reports & Research
October 2016

La forêt de la Maâmora, retenue comme site pilote au Maroc, est un exemple pertinent pour ce genre d’étude. Cette forêt joue un rôle économique, social et environnemental de grande importance. Toutefois, elle est fortement influencée par les changements globaux parmi lesquels on inclut aussi une…

Journal Articles & Books
September 2016

These guidelines are the result a consultative process that involved a large number of practitioners from both developed and developing countries. Two meetings were held in Glasgow and Delhi and a tentative outline was agreed upon. The guidelines are intended to provide a reference framework…

Journal Articles & Books
August 2016

La quinua es un ejemplo extraordinario de un cultivo que pasó de ser considerado olvidado a un cultivo de interés y consumo mundial, tanto es así que la Organización de las Naciones Unidas declararon el año 2013 el Año Internacional de la Quinua. Como todo cultivo en expansión, las plagas y…

Policy Papers & Briefs
July 2016

There is no world-wide common platform that stores and provides core data and information related to the assessment, monitoring and mapping of agri-food, environmental and water resources through indicators derived by the combination of remote sensing, geospatial anlysis, in-situ measurement and…