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These Regulations provide for the establishment of Town Councils and define their duties and powers and internal organization.Councils are established by the Minister as a body corporate. Every Town Council shall appoint valuation officers for the valuation of land. Such officers shall be…


These Regulations provide for the establishment of the Sowa Township Authority as a body corporate, defines its functions and powers and provides rules relative to the administration of the Sowa Township.The Township Authority shall conduct the affairs of the township in accordance with these…


These Bye-laws of the City Council of Gaborone place restrictions on excavation on public land. Excavation for the purpose of removing soil, sand, gravel or any vegetation or for the purpose of any private construction or drainage or for any other purpose requires written permission of the…


This Act makes provision for the control of rent in such areas of Botswana and to such premises in such areas as the Minister may from time to time, by Order published in the Gazette, specify. The Act establishes a Rent Control Tribunal and provides with respect to jurisdiction and proceedings…


This Act transfers mining rights from specified tribes and tribal authorities to the State of Botswana in the manner and at the conditions as are specified in agreements for this purpose. These agreements are attached to the Act in the Schedules and shall have the force of law.


This Act provides rules for the generation and supply of electricity and related matters. Generation or supply of electricity requires a licence issued by the Minister. The President may acquire, in accordance with the Acquisition of Property Act, so much land or rights over land, as he or she…


These Bye-laws of the Botswana Power Corporation provide rules relative to conditions of supply of electricity by the Corporation. They also concern wayleaves for installations, use of contractors and prescribe penalties for offences committed under these Bye-laws by consumers.


This Order, made under section 49 of the Customary Courts Act, implements provisions of that Act in respect of, among other things: registers to be kept, procedural requirements in relation with hearings at a customary court, right of appeal in accordance with section 42 of the Act, procedure on…


This Act makes provision with respect to the protection and conservation of national monuments and protected heritage areas.The Act provides for the appointment of the Commissioner of Monuments and Relics and defines powers of the Minister for purposes of protection and conservation of national…


This Act establishes the Botswana Power Corporation, defines its functions and powers and provides with respect to the organization and operations of the Corporation.The Corporation shall be responsible for the generation, transmission, supply and distribution of electricity in areas approved by…


This Act concerns the establishment, recognition, functioning and jurisdiction of Customary Courts and related matters. The Act also provides for the appointment of the Director of Tribal Administration and deputies for the purposes of this Act. Every Chief may submit for the consideration of…


This Order, made under section 16 of the Customary Courts Act, specify in the Schedule provisions of enactments customary courts shall have jurisdiction to administer. Enactments include the Branding of Cattle Act (Cap. 36:02), the Matimela Act (Cap. 36:06) and the Tribal Land Act (Cap. 32:02).…