This Regional Law establishes the modalities of performance of municipal land control by local government. Municipal land control shall be conducted in the form of ordinary and extraordinary inspections of legal persona and individual entrepreneurs. The subject of inspection shall be checking…
Article 5 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Authorized bodies of municipal land control shall perform control over observance by state bodies, local government, legal persons, individual entrepreneurs and natural persons of the requirements of land legislation of the Russian…
Article 7.1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Lease contract for agricultural land, destined for haymaking and grazing, pertaining to public or municipal property shall be concluded for the maximum period of three years”.
Amends: Regional Law No. 40-Z “On turnover of…
This Regional Law establishes that Civic Chamber shall be permanent body with a view of promoting civil society institutions, ensuring public control and cooperation of citizens with state bodies and local government. Its scope shall be protection of rights and duties of citizens, social…
This Regional Law establishes the modalities of organization and performance of public control as a form of public participation. It shall not be applicable to elections and referendum. Regional executive bodies shall have the following plenary powers: (a) formation of advisory councils at the…
This Regional Law establishes the modalities of organization and performance of public control as a form of public participation. It shall not be applicable to elections and referendum. Regional executive bodies shall have the following plenary powers: (a) formation of advisory councils at the…
This Regional Law establishes the modalities of organization and performance of public control as a form of public participation. It shall not be applicable to elections and referendum. Regional executive bodies shall have the following plenary powers: (a) formation of advisory councils at the…
This Regional Law establishes that Civic Chamber must ensure coordination between citizens, social associations, state bodies and local government, promotion of civil society institutions, and consideration of the interests of the population in the process of elaboration and realization of state…
This Regional Law establishes categories of workers that shall be granted the right of land allotment for the length of service. The aforesaid land shall be isolated form land stock pertaining to forest management organizations, hunting management organizations, state nature reserves and…
Transformation is carried out by land administration offices in light of changes in data regarding real estate. Transformation is based on data contained in maps and other documents resulting from related procedures. This data should be supervised during the transformation procedure. Transformed…
This Regulation sets the rules aimed to define the necessary procedures for the reclamation of disturbed areas situated on the agricultural land (also agricultural, forestry and other similar activities) which needs a restoration of the above mentioned damaged areas, in order to improve the…
Article 4 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Supreme regional executive body in the sphere of land relations shall set forth the modalities of determination of lease fees for land plots allotted on lease without tender, pertaining to regional public ownership, and lease fees for…