In recent decades, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have pursued national water permit systems, derived from the colonial era and reinforced by “global best practice.” These systems have proved logistically impossible to manage and have worsened inequality in water access. A new study…
In the Gash Delta of Eastern Sudan, spate irrigation (flood-recession farming) contributes substantially to rural livelihoods by providing better yields than rainfed dryland farming. However, spate irrigation farmers are challenged by the unpredictability of flooding. In recent decades, the…
To support improved rangeland resource management and monitoring for nomadic pastoralists in northern Kenya, we used a task-based mobile application to incentivize pastoralists provide more than 100,000 surveys containing information on local rangeland, water and livestock resources. In this…
The aim of the study is to investigate the land-related causes of conflict in the Jubaland State of Somalia. The study findings are expected to guide the work of the UN in peace building and land conflicts management and to inform land policy processes and other land governance interventions in…
Date: 29 octobre 2018
Source: <a href="…
Land disputes associated with Africa sugar often lead to long and costly delays. Our research finds 46% of disputes last over 10 years – and half of these are still unresolved today. In serious cases, disputes close projects down and severely reduce market access. Companies are failing to…
O trabalho examina os desafios e a insegurança causados pela improdutiva administração dos vastos recursos naturais do Golfo da Guiné no século XXI. Esta região compreende países que se estendem de Angola a Guiné-Bissau, sendo de importância geoestratégica para a África e o mundo. Seu rico e …
Identifying protected areas most susceptible to climate change and deforestation represents critical information for determining conservation investments. Development of effective landscape interventions is required to ensure the preservation and protection of these areas essential to ecosystem…
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, en Afrique, des contrats d’appropriation de terres à grande échelle mettent en jeu, suivant les cas, des États étrangers pour qui ces transactions représentent un moyen de sécuriser leurs approvisionnements en biens alimentaires ou des entreprises et investisseurs…