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Reports & Research
November 2020

It is estimated that 20% of global land is either degraded or undergoing degradation, leading to an annual loss of 12 million hectares of productive land (UNCCD 2017). In Africa, some 715 million ha are degraded, including 65% of all arable land, 30% of all grazing land and 20% of all forests.…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2020

The United Nations General Assembly declared 2021 to 2030 as the decade of ‘ecosystem restoration’, signalling a global consensus on the urgency to restore degraded lands. Restoring degraded lands is critical to regain lost ecological functionality that underpins life-sustaining ecosystem…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2020

The Lawra district of the Upper West region was selected as the case study. This study compared crop yields for FMNR and non-FMNR farmers. FMNR farmers are classified as having at least 8 trees per acre, with an average of 13 trees per acre (33 per ha) and a maximum of 40. Non-FMNR farmers are…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2020

O presente trabalho propõe-se a problematizar a questão agrária no continente africano em geral correlacionada com a experiência específica de Guiné-Bissau a partir do período neoliberal. Pretende-se apresentar uma radiografia histórica que marca o debate fundiário no continente,…

Peer-reviewed publication
November 2020

The paper focused on the need to document impacts of the global climate discourses at the local levels. In addition, it sought to fill the lacuna on the translation of discourses insofar as pastoralists land rights’ and adaptation are concerned, while looking at translation and implementation of…

Peer-reviewed publication
November 2020

Land titles registration is germane to providing proof of individual ownership of land. In recognition of its importance in enhancing property rights, efforts at improving land title registration has increased significantly. Generally, the most vital areas vulnerable to corruption in Africa land…

Peer-reviewed publication
November 2020

De nos jours, lorsque l’on parle de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), on entend souvent parler du problème démocratique ainsi que des conflits meurtriers qui ont lieu dans certaines régions notamment du Kasaï ou des Kivus. Les journaux expliquent souvent ces violences en faisant…

Peer-reviewed publication
November 2020

L’étude relative aux impacts des actions des ONG sur la gestion durable des aires protégées dans la reserve de Biosphere de Luki(RBL), dans la Province du Kongo central situées à l’Ouest de la RDC, montre que cette réserve regorge une diversité biologique particulière qui est soumise à une…

Peer-reviewed publication
October 2020

As African cities expand so does the pressure to improve infrastructure and extend key public services for the growing urban populations. With limited tax receipts, local governments are struggling to finance new urban development or even maintain existing infrastructure. As land has inherent…

Peer-reviewed publication
October 2020

 L’accès des femmes au foncier est au cœur de l’actualité depuis trois décennies. Dans le Sud de la Mauritanie, la mainmise des hommes sur les terres est une réalité. Les femmes ne représentent que 4.2% des détenteurs des Titres fonciers. L’égalité entre l’homme et la femme en matière d’accès à…

Reports & Research
September 2020

Responsible Land Policy in Uganda (RELAPU) is a project implemented by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). BMZ created the Special Initiative “One World, No Hunger”, aimed to eradicate extreme…

Reports & Research
September 2020

This report responds to heightened concerns over rising levels of farmer-herder conflict across a wide band of semi-arid Africa. We assess the quantitative evidence behind this general impression and review the explanations in the scientific literature, in the light of known issues with long-…