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Journal Articles & Books
June 2017

En esta edición se tratan diversos temas afines al campo de los estudios de población, que siguen el enfoque multidisciplinario y ratifican la inclusión de la perspectiva regional de esta publicación. Se cuenta con el valioso aporte de reconocidos especialistas y sus investigaciones originales…

Journal Articles & Books
May 2017

The challenges associated with determining fair compensation for expropriated land have been extensively discussed and debated among scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and the public. However, to date, a comprehensive study of national-level compensation procedures established by law…

Reports & Research
May 2017

Es una realidad que hay contradicciones en cuanto al manejo y la tenencia de la tierra en América Latina, siendo una situación importante que impacta en las economías locales y en la vida de millones de personas. Aunque en las últimas dos décadas la mayoría de los países latinoamericanos han…

Reports & Research
May 2017

Las ciudades son espacios estratégicos para que las sociedades de América Latina y el Caribe puedan transitar hacia el desarrollo sostenible. Se estima que más del 80% de la población de la región es urbana, y las ciudades del continente concentran el poder económico, político y administrativo.…

Reports & Research
May 2017

There have been few efforts to evaluate whether the positive land use changes induced by conservation interventions such as Payments for Environmental Services (PES) persist once the interventions end. Since gains achieved by conservation interventions may be lost upon termination of the program…

Policy Papers & Briefs
May 2017

There have been few efforts to evaluate whether the positive land use changes induced by conservation interventions such as Payments for Environmental Services (PES) persist once the interventions end. Since gains achieved by conservation interventions may be lost upon termination of the program…

Conference Papers & Reports
April 2017

O presente artigo é parte de um projeto de pesquisa maior, com apoio do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID), a Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP), por meio do Grupo de Governança de Terras (GGT), e com apoio da equipe de pesquisa da Toledo e Associados (T&A). Temos como…

Journal Articles & Books
April 2017

Entre 1959 y 2008, no se había contemplado en Cuba redistribuir tierras a gran escala a productores individuales. Desde 1990, varias políticas de redistribución del uso de la tierra se aplicaron con importantes impactos, pero las áreas involucradas no alcanzaron un tamaño significativo a…

Reports & Research
March 2017

Secure land tenure in rural landscapes is widely recognized as an essential foundation for achieving a range of economic development goals. However, forest areas in low and middle-income countries face particular challenges in strengthening the security of land and resource tenure. Forest…

Journal Articles & Books
March 2017

Secure land tenure in rural landscapes is widely recognized as an essential foundation for achieving a range of economic development goals. However, forest areas in low and middle-income countries face particular challenges in strengthening the security of land and resource tenure. Forest…

Reports & Research
March 2017

Central America is undergoing an important transition. Urban populations are increasing at accelerated speeds, bringing pressing challenges for development, as well as opportunities to boost sustained, inclusive and resilient growth. Today, 59 percent of the region’s population lives in urban…

Journal Articles & Books
March 2017

Central America is undergoing an important transition. Urban populations are increasing at accelerated speeds, bringing pressing challenges for development, as well as opportunities to boost sustained, inclusive and resilient growth. Today, 59 percent of the region’s population lives in urban…