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Displaying 85 - 96 of 237

The influence of social networking on food security status of cassava farming households in Nigeria

December, 2019

Food security, at national and household levels, is on the decline because traditional capital (physical, natural, human and financial) has not fully led to its improvement. There is an increasing shift of attention to social capital as an element that explains household food security, but there is a lack of adequately documented information on this. Therefore, this study investigates the effects of social capital on food security, using data collected on a cross-section of 775 cassava farming households from four zones of Nigeria.

Since 2017, the countries of the Central American Integration System experienced +250 transformations in their political, institutional and financial frameworks toward scaling Climate Smart Agriculture.

December, 2019

Following the launch of the CSA strategy for the Central American Integration System (2017), supported by CCAFS, actors from all levels (local, national, regional/international) implemented 259 transformations aligned with the strategy’s objectives toward scaling Climate Smart Agriculture. These transformations include CSA policy formulation and implementation, capacity strengthening and partnership around CSA, mechanisms to facilitate and articulate climate financing. Most of the transformations are concentrated in the policy area.

GapAnalysis: an R package to calculate conservation indicators using spatial information

December, 2020

Effective assessments of the current status of biodiversity conservation are needed to support planning, policy and action, from local to global levels. Of particular use would be well documented, reproducible methods based on openly accessible data and tools. Such methods should provide an accurate estimate of the state of conservation of diversity, identifying gaps in current conservation systems, while providing a benchmark against which to measure success, including determining when conservation goals have been met.

Revisiting yield gaps and the scope for sustainable intensification for irrigated lowland rice in Southeast Asia

December, 2021

Recent studies on yield gap analysis for rice in Southeast Asia revealed different levels of intensification across the main ‘rice bowls’ in the region. Identifying the key crop management and biophysical drivers of rice yield gaps across different ‘rice bowls’ provides opportunities for comparative analyses, which are crucial to better understand the scope to narrow yield gaps and increase resource-use efficiencies across the region.

Morpho-biochemical responses of Brassica Coenospecies to glyphosate exposure at pre- and post-emergence stages

December, 2022

Crop wild relatives (CWRs) belonging to the Brassicaceae family possess extensive genetic diversity and have frequently been utilized in the enhancement of cultivated Brassica species. However, their tolerance to glyphosate, a widely used herbicide, has remained unknown. Our study examined the glyphosate response of 20 genotypes from the Brassicaceae family, which included genotypes within the U triangle and their wild relatives.

Access to and utilization of wild species for food and nutrition security in Teso and Acholi Sub-regions of Uganda

December, 2021

Wild foods significantly contribute to the global food basket, and food and nutrition security. Worldwide, wild food species form an integral part of local diets and their widespread assimilation into local food culture suggests an untapped potential to ensure easy availability and access to micronutrients for sustainable food systems. However, wild species are often overlooked within nutrition-related policies, and their levels of availability remain unknown.

The cocoa value chain in Ucayali: Analysis to identify business models with agroecological potential

December, 2022

This report provides an update on the state of the art of the cocoa value chain in Ucayali, along with a discussion on its existing business models and their associated challenges and opportunities. This analysis is conducted within the framework of the 13 agroecological principles outlined by the High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE, 2019).

Physiological responses of rosewoods Dalbergia cochinchinensis and D. oliveri under drought and heat stresses

December, 2019

Little is known about the responses of endangered Rosewood species to drought and heat stress. These stresses are expected to increase in the Greater Mekong Subregion where the species co-occur and are endemic. Our results indicate contrasting relationships in water relations, photosynthetic pigment levels, and total soluble sugars in the two species, matching their ecological niches. The results support effective regeneration and conservation of the species in degraded habitats and in the face of climate change.

Environmental risks from pesticide use: the case of commercial banana farming in northern Lao PDR

December, 2020

Commercial farming of banana for export has rapidly expanded across northern uplands of Laos since 2008 with the establishment of new plantations by foreign companies. Heavy reliance on agrochemical usage warrants examination of possible environmental and human health risks. This study presents a preliminary assessment of the environmental risks from pesticide usage associated with bananas and other major crops in Oudomxay province.

Development of a methods repository for food choice behaviors and drivers at the household and individual levels

December, 2022
United States of America

This brief identifies important constructs for assessing drivers of food choice behaviors and describes progress on the development of a repository of instruments and measures for assessing these constructs.

List constructs that can be assessed to understand drivers of household and individual food choice behaviors.
Identify instruments and measures to assess each food choice construct and organize these into a searchable repository.
Illustrate the use of the Food Choice Repository.

Report on Community Fish Refuge (CFR) pond monitoring: Surface and groundwater study at Sras Ang CFR, Prey Veng province

December, 2022

This report delves into the essential task of gathering validation data, focusing on surface and groundwater related data monitoring through the deployment of field equipment. The primary objective is to comprehensively monitor surface water and groundwater levels, along with rainfall, on a regular basis. This hydrologic monitoring initiative is conducted within the context of a case study centered on rice-fish systems, specifically community fish refuges (CFRs) in Prey Veng Province, Cambodia.

Soil health and ecosystem services: Lessons from sub-Sahara Africa (SSA)

December, 2019

Management practices to improve soil health influence several ecosystem services including regulation of water
flows, changes in soil biodiversity and greenhouse gases that are important at local, regional and global levels.
Unfortunately, the primary focus in soil health management over the years has been increasing crop productivity
and to some extent the associated economics and use efficiencies of inputs. There are now efforts to study the