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Issues land productivity related News
There are 191 content items of different types and languages related to land productivity on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 12 of 18

MinAgro rechazó invasiones de tierras y dijo que responsables serían investigados

30 August 2022

Desde hace más de dos meses se venían reportando invasiones de predios privados especialmente en el Cauca, comunidades indígenas estaban apoderándose de tierras que hoy son usadas en su mayoría para la agroindustria de la caña. Finalmente el Gobierno rompió el silencio sobre los hechos, y fue la propia ministra de Agricultura, Cecilia López quien detalló que rechazan esos actos y "quienes quieren promover invasiones entorpecen la gestión del Gobierno y esto podría redundar en que sean investigados por parte de las autoridades".

Gobierno de Colombia confirma que habrá reforma agraria para “buscar equidad en el acceso a la tierra

30 August 2022

La productividad de las tierras en Colombia es demasiado baja, afirmó en julio de este año la ministra de Agricultura, Cecilia López. Dicha afirmación se centra en las cifras que tienen entidades como la Unidad de Planificación Rural Agropecuaria, que registra que el país tiene un total de 39,6 millones de hectáreas aptas para siembra; de estas, solo 5,3 millones se usa para tal fin. Por este y otros motivos, el Gobierno nacional anunció que sí se llevará a cabo una reforma agraria.

Farmers regreen Kenya’s drylands with agroforestry and an app

11 September 2021

A Quarter of the world’s 4.4 billion hectares (10.9 million acres) of cropland is degraded, often due to drying, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Just over a hectare and a half, or 4 acres, of that dried-out land have for years been located at Benedict-

pound) bags of produce from a 0.8-hectare (2-acre) plot, whether the rains are adequate or not.


25 August 2021

Tanzania’s plan to draft in small-scale entrepreneurs, and produce at least 700,000 tonnes of sugar annually by 2025 is ambitious, to say the least.
However, this does not in any way mean that the plan is impossible to execute or ill-advised.
According to Industry and Trade minister Kitila Mkumbo, the government intends to engage small-scale processors who will complement large-scale manufacturers in order to attain this noble goal.

Avocados’ potential to cut poverty

22 August 2021

Dar es Salaam. Avocado is a fruit crop that thrives in many parts of Tanzania, with the possibility of using it to free Tanzanians from abject poverty and improve families’ levels of nutrition.

Mbeya, Njombe, Songwe, Iringa, Tanga, Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Kigoma, Kagera, Katavi and Morogoro are popular regions for avocado production in the land.

A report by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) says that 19,449 tonnes of avocados were produced in 2016/17.

Retired agronomist leading the way in organic farming

19 June 2021

Timothy Njakasi, a vastly experienced agronomist, is an organic farmer with an unconventional outlook.

Kasenge Riverford Organic Agricultural Centre is located near Mbalala stone quarry in Mukono District, an infertile stony piece of land about 30km on Kampala-Jinja Highway.

Njakasi’s farm, which acts as a demonstration farm, is the last arable piece of land as you ascend the hill to the quarry.

Treasury allocates Sh1.5bn to deepen land reforms

11 June 2021

Treasury CS Ukur Yatani has boosted President Uhuru Kenyatta’s election pledge to issue titled deeds with a Sh1.5 billion allocating for processing and registration of the documents.

Further, Mr Yatani set aside Sh600 million for digitisation of land registries, a move expected to speed up the processing and issuance of title deeds and a further Sh105 million for the construction of land registries.

Angola: Agrolive Invests Akz 100 Million in Agricultural Development

26 May 2021

Longonjo — The agricultural project "AGROLIVE" is investing 100 million Kwanzas (Akz) in mechanization and promotion of maize and bean crops in the municipality of Lépi, Longonjo (Huambo).

The information was given this Monday to the press by the director general of AGROLIVE, Inocêncio Katiavala, pointing out that 62 direct jobs are expected to be created in the agricultural year 2020/21.

With this, he explained, a production of 500 tons of maize and 100 tons of beans is expected.

Tanzania government lists priorities to give agriculture a push

25 May 2021

Dodoma. The ministry of Agriculture yesterday outlined seven areas the government will prioritise in the 2021/22 financial year to boost growth of the key economic sector.

They include research, seed development and extension services. Others are increasing the size of land for irrigation farming, strengthening markets for agricultural crops, improving access to inexpensive loans for funding agricultural, and improving preparedness against invasion of pests and crop diseases.

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