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IssuesusufructLandLibrary Resource
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ASOMAC: Una reforma agraria campesina y solidaria

Reports & Research
July, 2016

Caso sobre la persistencia y la vigencia de la lucha por la tierra en el Ecuador, sobre todo en territorios donde se profundiza el modelo de acumulación capitalista en el campo. Las organizaciones campesinas pasan de la posesión de la tierra a procurar su legalización; proceso en el que se involucran con la política pública que termina desalojándolas de esos predios.

De propiedad comunal a propiedad individual en el escenario agrario republicano de Venezuela : El caso de Timotes, Mérida

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

Tratamos aquí el largo proceso de acontecimientos experimentados por la propiedad comunal indígena en Venezuela desde sus orígenes en el siglo XVI, la política anticorporativa de los Borbones, hasta su extinción o supresión, al institucionalizarse la propiedad individual en el siglo XIX, con referencia particular a la Mérida venezolana.

Reclaiming the Commons

Reports & Research
November, 2018

Urban agriculture has been theorized by social scientists, and even some urban growers, as a means of reclaiming the commons. But what does “reclaiming the commons” entail? A longue-durée genealogy reveals distinct socio-legal imaginations of the commons and visions of how it might be reclaimed. Social thinkers and reformers have split over how to address the key problem of private property identified by John Locke: landless people who can’t find paid employment.

The Sliding Scale between Usufruct and Ownership: The Example of Swedish Multi-Family Housing

Peer-reviewed publication
March, 2021

This paper aims to elucidate the sliding scale between usufruct and ownership by applying a property rights framework to three Swedish forms of tenure in multifamily housing. The framework deconstructs the bundles of rights of rental, tenant-ownership and ownership to highlight commonalities and differences connected to the right to use and exclude, the right to transfer and the right to the value. It is concluded that the three tenure forms have many traits in common but that there are distinct differences in some areas, most notably in connection to the right to the value.

Contribution A L'Analyse De L'Insecurite Fonciere Dans Les Fronts Pionniers Des Marges Du Pays Bamoun (Ouest -Cameroun )

December, 2020

       Context and backgroundWith many physical and human potentials, the Bamun country in the western highlands of Cameroon, which is an agricultural area excellence is today experiencing serious socio-economic and spatial transformations. The coffee crises, growth in cash crop production and demographic pressure within the former agricultural spaces has favored the movement of producers towards pioneer fronts. The availability of land capital in these new agricultural spaces attracts migrants from other horizons.

2023 Legatum Prospertity Index

Reports & Research
Sub-Saharan Africa
The 2023 Legatum Prosperity Index provides a comprehensive evaluation of Sudan's prosperity over a decade, with a focus on areas such as inclusive societies, safety and security, personal freedom, governance, social capital, and open economies. The country's overall prosperity score has slightly decreased from 38.4 in 2013 to 37.0 in 2023, ranking 158th globally. Notably, Sudan has seen a significant decline in social capital, dropping 98 ranks over the decade.