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Issues dispossession related Event
There are 567 content items of different types and languages related to dispossession on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10

Land governance and the politics of fair transitions: Deepening the search for social justice

03 July 2024 - 05 July 2024
Utrecht University

Building on the successful collaboration in last year’s Annual Conference, the IoS Fair Transitions Platform (UU) and LANDac are pleased to launch this Call for a second joint Conference, which will have a somewhat different set-up from what you are used to and end with a Summit. We welcome your suggestions for panel sessions and round tables for the first two days. Building on your input, we will conclude on the last day with an experiment of democracy – a more-than human Summit. There will be limited hybrid options for participation in the Conference and the Summit.

IOS Fair Transitions

How to Rebuild Ukraine, and Make Russia Pay for It

20 February 2023

February 24th marks one year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In that time, the Ukrainian military has fought its way to considerable battlefield success and liberated significant territory near Kyiv and in the country’s east and south. Now these regions face a long road to recovery, even as Putin continues to bomb critical infrastructure, apartment complexes, and other civilian targets, and threats of a new Russian offensive loom.

New America

Land Conference South Africa 2022: The failed promise of tenure security - Customary rights and dispossession

23 February 2022 - 25 February 2022
Hybrid sessions with physical venues TBC


Thank you for your interest in the Land Conference 2022 – The Failed Promise of Tenure Security: Customary Land Rights and Dispossession and thank you for registering for the conference. We have had an overwhelming interest in the conference and we are excited at the prospect of rich conversation and engagement.

Legal Resources Centre

Informal settlements and access to data in the time of COVID: a case for sharing data for decision making

22 October 2020
United States


The spread of COVID-19 in South Africa and other countries in the region has again brought to the fore the fact that very dense, under-serviced, mostly informal, settlements are not healthy places to live. They are also places where the spread of a disease is difficult to prevent or manage. 



Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Land Portal Foundation

Eviction response during and after COVID-19

26 May 2020

Join us for the Land Rights and COVID-19 webinar and discussion series, which is presented by Land Portal, Landesa, the Global Protection Cluster HLP AOR and GIZ, with organizing support from Environmental Peacebuilding Association, LANDac, New America and the UK's Department for International Development (DFID). 

Global Protection Cluster Housing, Land, and Property Area of Responsibility
Environmental Peacebuilding
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Landesa - Rural Development Institute
Land Portal Foundation
New America

Women’s Housing and Land Rights and Covid-19

26 May 2020
United States

Join us for the Land Rights and COVID-19 webinar and discussion series, which is presented by Land Portal, Landesa, the Global Protection Cluster HLP AOR and GIZ, with organizing support from Environmental Peacebuilding Association, LANDac, New America and the UK's Department for International Development (DFID). 

Landesa - Rural Development Institute
Land Portal Foundation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
New America
Environmental Peacebuilding
Global Protection Cluster Housing, Land, and Property Area of Responsibility

Webinar: Land in Post-Conflict Settings

25 June 2019

Post-war societies not only have to deal with continuing unpeaceful relations but also land-related conflict legacies, farmland and forest degradation, heavily exploited natural resources, land mines, a destroyed infrastructure, as well as returning refugees and ex-combatants. In the aftermath of war, access to and control of land often remains a sensitive issue which may precipitate tensions and lead to a renewed destabilization of volatile post-conflict situations.

United Nations Environment Programme
McGill University
Land Portal Foundation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Documentary screening on a mining conflict in KwaZulu-Natal: This land

07 February 2019
Pieter de la Courtgebouw / Faculty of Social Sciences, Room 5A-42
, Wassenaarseweg 52

​The Land & Accountability Research Centre (LARC) at the University of Cape Town commissioned the vivid documentary film This Land as a way for rural people to bring the untold story of their struggle for rights and accountability on communal land into urban forums of legislative, political and corporate decision-making.

African Studies Centre Leiden
Land and Accountability Research Centre

LANDac Conference 2018

28 June 2018 - 29 June 2018

LANDac’s Annual International Conference 2018 will look at land investments through the lens of mobility. What are the implications of land based investments on the movements of people? And how have displacement and population movements contributed to new and contesting land claims?


New Perspectives on Acquisitive Prescription

10 May 2018 - 11 May 2018
Het Kasteel
Melkweg 1

Dr Björn Hoops (Groningen) and Dr Ernst Marais (Johannesburg) are organising an international conference, entitled “New perspectives on acquisitive prescription”. The University of Groningen, in collaboration with the University of Johannesburg, will host the event at Het Kasteel, Melkweg 1, in Groningen, The Netherlands, from 10-11 May 2018

University of Groningen