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Land Update Newsletter Volume 2 Number 3

Reports & Research
September, 2003

Contains a critical analysis of the Report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Land Law System of Kenya – sampled reactions; land issues at the plenary of the National Constitutional Conference at the Bomas of Kenya; the Njonjo Commission Report at close scrutiny – a pastoralist’s view; co-ownership is passed as family land right in Uganda; the Report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Land Law System of Kenya broadly captures the public views on the much-needed land reform for sustainable development – Kenya Land Alliance’s perspective; Titanium mining in Kwa

Law in the natural resource squeeze: ‘land grabbing’, investment treaties and human rights

Reports & Research
October, 2016

Discusses highlights from a recent academic article exploring whether 3,000 bilateral and regional investment treaties protect ‘land grab’ deals and how these impact the land rights of rural people. Argues that, if not properly thought through, international treaties to protect foreign investment could compound shortcomings of local and national governance, undermining the rights of people impacted by the investments.

Legal empowerment in practice: Using legal tools to secure land rights in Africa

Reports & Research
May, 2008

In many parts of Africa, legal services organisations have developed innovative ways for using legal processes to help disadvantaged groups have more secure land rights. Their approaches, tools and methods vary widely – from legal literacy training to paralegals programmes, from participatory methodologies to help local groups register their lands or negotiate with government or the private sector through to legal representation and strategic use of public interest litigation.

Trends in global land use investment: implications for legal empowerment

Reports & Research
December, 2017

From the mid-2000s, a commodity boom underpinned a wave of land use investments in low- and middle-income countries. While agribusiness, mining and petroleum concessions often involve promises of jobs and public revenues, they have also prompted concerns about land dispossession, exclusionary investment models and infringements of the rights of vulnerable groups. One of the major challenges is in empowering rural people to make informed choices, exercise their rights and have their voices heard.

A Shaky Grip on Zimbabwe’s Moral High Ground

Reports & Research
April, 2000

A historical analysis of the current land invasion crisis, examining the chequered past of the white farmers. Contrasts the present situation with the eviction without compensation by whites of Chief Tangwenya and his followers. Examines the different interpretations by the British and Zimbabwean Governments of the agreement over land reached at Lancaster House in 1979. Argues that the present media coverage lacks historical perspective and is doing the country a disservice. There are more questions needing to be asked about Britain’s role

Large-scale land deals in Southern Africa: voices of the people

Reports & Research
June, 2015

Dramatic changes are underway in Southern Africa, with growing interest by foreign and domestic investors to access land for farming, mining and other commercial operations. This book of case studies documents situations in which commercial projects are planned or are being implemented on land held by rural communities in Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. It aims to provide an accessible and vivid window into the lived realities, views and responses of rural people who are affected by such deals.

Harvesting Hunger in Angola’s Diamond Fields

Reports & Research
July, 2008

Argues that the seizure of farmland for commercial diamond mining in Angola’s Lunda provinces is causing widespread hunger and deepening poverty. Fields are destroyed where crops are cultivated and arbitrary measurements taken to determine how much to pay the peasants; only US$0.25 per square metre of land seized. The law which ought to provide some protection is routinely ignored. Calls on the companies involved to start negotiations with farming communities to ensure fair compensation for people who lose access to their land through the granting of diamond mining concessions.

Land grabbing in Madagascar. Echoes and testimonies from the field – 2013

Reports & Research
September, 2013

Includes cultural contextualization on the use of land in Madagascar; legal framework: what rights’ protection for Malagasy peasants in the framework of land grabbing and the growing commercial pressure on land?; land, one resource, many drivers – energy, mining, forestry, pharmaceutical industry, tourism. Brings out the voices and testimonies of those directly involved including local communities who are victims of these land grabs in 5 regions – Ihorombe, Sofia, Alaotra Mangoro, Analanjirofo and Itasy and on the island of Nosy Be in the Diana region.

Land Use and Villagisation in Rwanda

Reports & Research
September, 1999

RISD, a Rwandan NGO, presented its study of land use and implementation of villagisation in Kigali Rural, Ruhengeri, Gikongoro and Butare to offer an informed contribution to land policy development and the villagisation process and to stimulate discussion and dialogue through dissemination of its findings. The paper examines the history of the policy, the main determining factors, and the problems which have surfaced. since its inception.

Land Tenure Insecurity on the Zambian Copperbelt, 1998: Anyone Going Back to the Land?

Reports & Research
March, 2001

Outlines Oxfam’s land research on the Copperbelt in 1998. Updated version of 1998 paper examining how people whose livelihoods once depended on the copper mines have begun looking for land and the problems they have encountered on forest and ZCCM land, with the 1995 Lands Act, and with party politics. Highlights the lack of coordinated responses to the problem and concludes with the main developments following the sale of the mines in 2000 and the attitudes of the new owners towards squatters.

The many faces of the investor rush in Southern Africa: towards a typology of commercial land deals

Reports & Research
February, 2011

Includes a broader view of the global land grab; Southern Africa: under-utilised and opening up for business?; biofuels everywhere, but not enough to eat; extractive industries: mining and forestry; reversals and state capitalism in Zimbabwe; the next Great Trek? South Africans head north; where is the food?; towards a typology; reflecting on these trends: what fresh insights?; conclusions.