70 Years of FAO - Exhibition
The document is a short version of the 70th anniversary exhibition at FAO in October 2015
The document is a short version of the 70th anniversary exhibition at FAO in October 2015
Tokelau joined the Organization as an Associate Member in 2011. Over the past few years, FAO assistance to the Pacific Island Territory has contributed to the sustainable management of natural resources and food security. Interventions have focused on inshore fisheries as well as coastal and village land-use planning and efforts to increase household food production.
The continuing and rapid degradation of rural watersheds has been a major concern for governments and civil society in Asia and the Pacific region. A root cause is the segmented management of land and water resources. This has been exacerbated by the cumulative and linked effects of an increase in demand for food, fuel and water due to population growth, competition for scarce land resources from biofuel production and a shift in preference for protein-rich diets. The expected adverse impact of climate change in the coming decades will most likely worsen the situation.
En el presente documento se examinan diversos casos de proyectos en que se aplicaron enfoques o principios basados en los modos de vida sostenibles y que, como consecuencia de ello, surtieron un efecto concreto en la reducción de la pobreza. Puesto que no se trata de un estudio comparativo entre éste y otros tipos de enfoques, no se han tomado en consideración casos de planteamientos más “tradicionales”.
Este mes, la celebración anual del Día Mundial del Agua tendrá lugar el 22 de marzo. El tema del Día de este año es Agua para las ciudades: respondiendo al desafío urbano. En el presente número examinamos algunos de los retos planteados por los recursos hídricos a causa de la rapidez de las migraciones, y estudiamos una posible solución para intensificar el aprovechamiento de dichos recursos.
Таджикистан сотрудничает с ФАО со времени вступления страны в Организацию в 1995 году. Первоначально помощь ФАО заключалась в реализации краткосрочных чрезвычайных мер реагирования в связи со вспышками саранчи, а также в оказании поддержки стране в период ее перехода к мирной жизни после гражданской войны. Впоследствии акцент сотрудничества сместился на проведение мероприятий по восстановлению и развитию в целях создания устойчивого сельскохозяйственного сектора и обеспечения продовольственной и пищевой безопасности.
This conmpendium of recent sustainable development initiatives in the field of agriculture and land management has been developed as a supporting document for the Task Manager's Report on the Land and Agriculture Cluster for Chapters 10, 12 and 14 of Agenda 21. The report draws together 75 cases from over 45 countries, illustrating the many features of improved land management and sustainable agriculture and rural development.
Meeting symbol/code: FO:LACFC/2015/3
Session: Sess. 29
Данная публикация содержит русскую версию материалов по почвозащитному и ресурсосберегающему земледелию, разработанных учеными СИММИТ. Они подробно излагают теоретическую основу технологий сохранения почв, а также методы ее возделывания. Это первое наглядное средство на русском языке для студентов сельскохозяйственных университетов, фермеров, агрономов и специалистов в области почвозащитного и ресурсосберегающего земледелия, которое, надеемся, поможет расширить область применения усовершенствованных технологий на фермерских полях.
The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) was formally established by members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) during its Council in December 2012. The Council recognized soil as an essential natural resource, which is often overlooked and has not received adequate attention in recent years, despite the fact that production of food, fiber, fodder, and fuel critically depends on healthy soils.
The Republic of the Congo and FAO have enjoyed ongoing cooperation since the Representation opened in 1977. In 2013 the first Country Programming Framework was produced, specifying the interventions through which FAO is to contribute to the Congo’s development objectives through to the end of 2016. The CPF is in alignment with the National Development Plan for the same period and it enables the FAO country office to link with the UN Development Assistance Framework for the Congo while supporting the Organization’s Strategic Framework.