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Peacebuilding -The Gambia

July, 2022

In 2021, the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission in the Gambia, which enjoys a 90 per cent public approval rating, according to a 2021 survey, completed its three-year mandate. It submitted a 17-volume final report to the President in November 2021, which was made public on 24 December. During its tenure, the Commission held 23 public hearings and received more than 2,500 statements with support from a $4.7 million project implemented by UNDP and OHCHR.

Not Just Carbon: Capturing All the Benefits of Forests for Stabilizing the Climate from Local to Global Scales

Reports & Research
September, 2022

This report summarizes the science on the biophysical effects of deforestation on climate stability and explores the policy implications of the resulting impacts at three scales: global climate policy, regional cooperation on precipitation management, and national policies related to agriculture and public health. For each of these policy arenas, there are promising entry points to address current gaps through innovations in policies and institutions.

Women's secure access to rural land in South-West and Hauts-Bassins regions of Burkina Faso

Reports & Research
June, 2022
Burkina Faso


This report highlights the situation of women in the South-West and Hauts-Bassins of Burkina Faso: from land management to women's access to land, to the management of their income. The report illustrates major challenges and highlights possible solutions. It also provides an overview of the situation for young people and migrants. The paper also contains a base of recommendations aimed at boosting women's secure access in the two (2) regions identified.

Country Profiles on Housing and Land Management: Republic of Armenia

Reports & Research
November, 2017

This Country Profile (CP) of the Republic of Armenia is the nineteenth in the series and the second review done for the country. The first was prepared in 2004 and the analyses covered only the housing sector. This CP is an in-depth analyses of the housing, urban development and land management sectors of the Republic of Armenia. It provides policy recommendations on these sectors, while focusing on specific challenges and achievements.

Chad - An Analysis of Constraints and Opportunities in the Development of the Agriculture Subsector

Reports & Research
December, 2021

This Chad agriculture subsector review investigates the state of knowledge, key gaps and recent developments in relation to constraints to the sector and proposes policy actions and levers for future structural transformation of the sector. First, the report examines the opportunities for further development of the most important cash and staple crop value chains in Chad. Then it uses the latest open data and analytics available for Chad to better inform investment priorities for agriculture in the country.

Azerbaijan: Moving towards more diversified, resilient, and inclusive development

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2020

Azerbaijan has set the course for the economy to reduce its dependence on oil by promoting new drivers of growth. This publication emphasizes the need for diversification, particularly in the agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing sectors. By 2025, under the Strategic Roads Maps of the Government of Azerbaijan, a more diversified economy should take shape led by these three sectors. Bold reforms need to strengthen areas of the economy that could otherwise impede this transition, and policy makers must resolutely stay on the reform path.

Les Routes de la Destruction : impacts émergents du développement des infrastructures dans les forêts du bassin du Congo

Reports & Research
September, 2021

Un rapport de RFUK révèle l'étendue et l'impact croissants du développement des infrastructures de transport et d'énergie dans le bassin du Congo - qui est en passe de devenir un moteur majeur de la déforestation dans la deuxième plus grande forêt tropicale du monde.

Fiche pays Congo

Reports & Research
November, 2009

Dans le cadre des travaux entrepris par le Comité technique « Foncier et développement » et du projet « Appui à l’élaboration des politiques foncières » financé par l’AFD, Alain Rochegude et Caroline Plançon ont actualisé des fiches de synthèse « décentralisation, acteurs locaux et foncier » à partir d’une analyse des textes législatifs appliqués dans 23 pays essentiellement de la zone AFR.

Sécuriser les droits coutumiers : la clé d’une foresterie communautaire durable

Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2019
Central African Republic

Les lois de la République du Congo et de la République centrafricaine (RCA) accordent une protection limitée aux communautés locales et populations autochtones (CLPA) en matière d’accès aux ressources foncières et forestières. Il arrive souvent que des concessions forestières chevauchent les territoires des CLPA et limitent leur accès aux terres et aux ressources. Cependant, les forêts communautaires gagnent progressivement du terrain dans la région.

Securing customary rights is key to sustainable community forestry

Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2019
Central African Republic

The laws in the Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic provide limited protection to indigenous peoples and local communities regarding access to land and forest resources. Often, logging concessions overlap their territories, restricting access to lands and resources. However, the development of community forests is gaining momentum in the region. These can help secure customary tenure, sustainably manage resources and improve livelihoods for indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs).

Atlas forestier interactif de la République centrafricaine

Peer-reviewed publication
July, 2010
Central African Republic

L’Atlas rassemble, pour la première fois, au sein d’une plate-forme unique, cartographique et interactive, toute l’information sur le secteur forestier, jusqu’ici mise à disposition des décideurs sous forme de simples cartes « papiers » et de tableaux divers. Les versions à venir de cet Atlas permettront de mettre à jour les données déjà disponibles et de rajouter des nouvelles informations indispensables, permettant ainsi un meilleur suivi spatiotemporel du territoire et du secteur forestier.