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BTI 2022 Country Report Armenia

Reports & Research
April, 2022

The crucial event in the reporting period was undoubtedly Armenia’s war with Azerbaijan. On September 27, 2020 Azerbaijan started its war on Nagorno-Karabakh, a long-disputed region called Artsakh in Armenia, which lasted for 44 days. It ended on November 10, 2020, when Russia facilitated a cease-fire, apparently just after the Azerbaijani forces had captured most of the territories occupied by Armenia in the previous war in the early 1990s, plus a major chunk of Nagorno-Karabakh proper.

Gender, agriculture and rural development in Armenia

Reports & Research
November, 2017

Gender equality is key to eliminating poverty and hunger, and this has been demonstrated by FAO throughout its research across the world. FAO is committed to interventions that seek to reduce gender inequalities and this report has been produced as part of its eff orts to generate evidence and knowledge in compliance with FAO’s Policy on Gender Equality (FAO, 2013a). It is only through closing the gender gap that strategies on sustainable agriculture and rural development can reach their full potential.

Establishment of Land Management Instruments and Institutional Framework to Address Land Abandonment

Reports & Research
January, 2022

The agricultural sector in Armenia contributes around 20 percent to gross domestic product and provides employment to around 40 percent of the country’s labour force. The backbone of agriculture in the country is represented by smallholders and family farms. According to 2014 census data, 317 346 family farms contribute over 97 percent of the total agricultural output and comprise 99 86 percent of all active agricultural holdings.

Women and Men in Armenia

November, 2019

Gender statistics play a key role in mainstreaming gender into policies of the state and serves as a tool to adequately assess and reflect the situation of women and men in economic, social and political spheres of the society. Gender statistics allows increasing public awareness about the status of women in relation to that of men and conducting systematic study of gender issues.

Pathways for the recognition of customary forest tenure in the Mekong region

Reports & Research
October, 2022

Globally, about 2 billion people claim ownership of their homes and lands through a customary tenure system. Customary tenure has long been insecure and is under growing pressure in many places. But it is also increasingly recognized through a variety of mechanisms, formal and informal. RECOFTC released a new report on the recognition of customary tenure of communities living in forested landscapes in Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Viet Nam. It also includes a case study from Thailand.

Report:Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the CFS VGGT

Conference Papers & Reports
April, 2022

The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the context of National Food Security (CFS VGGT) promote secure tenure rights and equitable access to land, fisheries and forests as a means of eradicating hunger and poverty, supporting sustainable development, and enhancing the environment.

Ordonnance n°002/PR/2017 du 27 février 2017 portant orientation de l'urbanisme en République Gabonaise.

Legislation & Policies
January, 2017

La présente ordonnance porte orientation de l'urbanisme en République Gabonaise. A cet effet, elle fixe la planification urbaine. Il s’agit notamment documents de planification urbaine (le Schéma Directeur d'Aménagement et d'Urbanisme (SDAU); le Plan d'Occupation des Sols (POS); Plan Directeur d'Urbanisme (PDU); Plan de Secteur (SMART CODE); Plan d’Aménagement de Zone (PAZ); Règlement National d’urbanisme (RNU).


Cadre législatif et réglementaire du Tchad

Reports & Research
August, 2010

Vaste pays (1 284 000km²), très largement désertique, au moins au nord de la frontière naturelle que constitue le Chari, le Tchad comptait une population de 10 millions d’habitants en 2006, dont le taux de croissance est de 3,3 % la même année1. Comme le relevait déjà une étude de 1996, la part urbaine de cette population est en forte expansion (taux de croissance de 4,8 %, mais avec des pics pour N’Djamena, 6 %, et Moundou, la ville du pétrole, avec 4,8 %). Cette population urbaine représenterait àpeu près 20 % de la population2.

Conflits fonciers et problématique de développement rural dans la sous-préfecture de Mongo, région du Guéra (Tchad

Journal Articles & Books
October, 2018

Located in the Guéra region in central Chad, the Mongo Sub-Prefecture is the scene of recurring conflicts related to the occupation and exploitation of the land. While the phenomenon is neither new nor specific to this part of the country, the scale it has taken in recent years makes it a worrying subject. This land conflicts are driven by a multitude of actors with traditional authorities, agricultural producers and the urban elite at the center.

Adaptation Aux Changements Climatiques Et Renforcement De La Resilience Au Tchad

Reports & Research
August, 2019

Le Tchad est considéré comme le pays le plus vulnérable au changement climatique. Une combinaison de pauvreté élevée, de conflits fréquents, de systèmes de gouvernance faibles, à laquelle s’ajoutent les risques de sécheresse et d’inondations, font que le pays est confronté à de nombreuses urgences humanitaires et lutte notamment pour faire face aux onséquences du changement climatique. Le pays connaît des conflits internes et frontaliers récurrents qui aggravent encore davantage ses vulnérabilités, en mettant sous pression les infrastructures limitées et la cohésion sociale.

Azerbaijan: Systematic Country Diagnostic Update

Reports & Research
May, 2022

The Azerbaijan Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) Update 2022 identifies the most critical challenges facing the government in the effort to achieve the country’s national goals and the twin goals of eradicating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. It also identifies policy priorities to address these challenges within a changing economic and geopolitical environment. The SCD is a comprehensive evidence-based analysis founded on the latest data and analyses available.