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Issues rural areas related Blog post
There are 2, 366 content items of different types and languages related to rural areas on the Land Portal.
Displaying 13 - 21 of 21

The Opportunities for Transformation Open Up When Women Have Land Rights

04 December 2018
Ms. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka

Rural women and girls are far from the public or media spotlight, but their struggles deserve urgent attention

The 62nd Commission on the Status of Women (CSW62), held in March 2018, focused on the empowerment of women and girls in rural areas, signifying international commitment to fight some of the biggest challenges of our time: poverty, inequality, multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and an end to violence against women and girls, no matter where they live, or how they live, so that we leave no one behind.

Benchmarking Real Change for women to Secure Land by Bridging Data and Social Movement

26 June 2018
Mrs. Patricia Maria Queiroz Chaves

Women represent the majority of Brazil’s population (51.6% in 2017). However, only 12% of the landowners are women and just 5.5% own agricultural land in Brazil (IBGE, Agricultural Census, 2006).  This gender disparity is just part of the immense problem women face in terms of land rights in Brazil. A major issue is the persistent gap between what is in the law and what happens in practice.

We cannot wait indefinitely – interim options for land reform

18 June 2018
Sobantu Mzwakali

The failure to secure the property rights of rural communities shows a clear policy gap between citizens and rights to land as per the Constitution and the attitude and practices of the state, traditional leaders, white farmers and mining companies in relation to such rights. 

Absent from the discourse spurred by the motion passed in the National Assembly on 27 February is what could be achieved in the interim for land reform programme using existing legislation while the country awaits a verdict on the constitutional amendment to determine whether is possible to expropriate land w

From the Ground Up: Participatory Rights Documentation for Healthy Landscapes

17 April 2018
Matt Sommerville

Much of the world’s rural landscapes are technically managed by national governments with limited recognition of, or support for, the rights and management responsibilities of the rural poor who live in these areas. In an era of large-scale land acquisitions for global commodity production, this has led, in some cases, to governments allocating vast tracts of land and resources to companies with limited or no consultation of the people affected.

From Norway to India: the Importance of Land Rights to Increasing Opportunity and Prosperity

23 February 2018
Mr. Tim Hanstad

By Tim Hanstad, Co-Founder & Senior Advisor, Landesa


This is the first blog in a series of two that are based on a keynote address made at the 2018 India Land Development Conference.


I have been working on issues of land rights for more than 31 years in more than 22 countries, but no country has captured my attention, focus and heart more than India.