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Suggestions for agricultural planning in developing countries, particularly in Africa

Conference Papers & Reports
September, 1967

Another basic feature of agricultural planning is the Organization of an agricultural statistical service with the help of the local authorities. Thus it is necessary to organize not only the collection of statistical data regarding crops, but also to make periodical inventories of the types of soil available, the crops for which they can be used, of water and meteorological data, of data on products, income, employment, coefficients of capital, labour productivity, price indices, income and price elasticities of demand, costs, internal and external markets.

Planning for structural adjustment in African agriculture

Reports & Research
January, 1992

African Agriculture is in crisis. Serious deterioration in the terms of trade, frequent droughts, growing expenditure on food imports, and rapid population growth on an ecologically fragile agricultural resource base have, all combined to prevent African agriculture from playing its vital role as the engine of economic development of the continent.

The role of indigenous communities in reducing climate change through sustainable land use practices

Reports & Research
August, 2019
Latin America and the Caribbean
United States of America

The climate crisis demands urgent action, yet we live in a politically polarized and paralyzed world. As governments and other actors struggle over climate change, our environment is irreversibly changing. A United Nations report on the Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services revealed that three-quarters of the earth’s land-based environment has been significantly altered by human actions.

Measuring Individuals’ Rights to Land; An Integrated Approach to Data Collection for SDG Indicators 1.4.2 and 5.a.1

Reports & Research
August, 2019

Land is a key economic resource inextricably linked to access to, use of and control over other economic and productive resources. Recognition of this, and the increasing stress on land from the world’s growing population and changing climate, has driven demand for strengthening tenure security for all. This has created the need for a core set of land indicators that have national application and global comparability, which culminated in the inclusion of indicators 1.4.2 and 5.a.1 in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda.

The Integration of Ecosystem Services in Planning: An Evaluation of the Nutrient Retention Model Using InVEST Software

Peer-reviewed publication
September, 2017

Mapping ecosystem services (ES) increases the awareness of natural capital value, leading to building sustainability into decision-making processes. Recently, many techniques to assess the value of ES delivered by different scenarios of land use/land cover (LULC) are available, thus becoming important practices in mapping to support the land use planning process. The spatial analysis of the biophysical ES distribution allows a better comprehension of the environmental and social implications of planning, especially when ES concerns the management of risk (e.g., erosion, pollution).

Informal Urban Green Space: Residents’ Perception, Use, and Management Preferences across Four Major Japanese Shrinking Cities

Peer-reviewed publication
September, 2017

Urban residents’ health depends on green infrastructure to cope with climate change. Shrinking cities could utilize vacant land to provide more green space, but declining tax revenues preclude new park development—a situation pronounced in Japan, where some cities are projected to shrink by over ten percent, but lack green space. Could informal urban green spaces (IGS; vacant lots, street verges, brownfields etc.) supplement parks in shrinking cities?

Grassroots Innovation Using Drones for Indigenous Mapping and Monitoring

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2017
South America

Indigenous territories are facing increasing pressures from numerous legal and illegal activities that are pushing commodity frontiers within their limits, frequently causing severe environmental degradation and threatening indigenous territorial rights and livelihoods. In Central and South America, after nearly three decades of participatory mapping projects, interest is mounting among indigenous peoples in the use of new technologies for community mapping and monitoring as a means of defense against such threats.

Land Cover Change in Northern Botswana: The Influence of Climate, Fire, and Elephants on Semi-Arid Savanna Woodlands

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2017
Southern Africa

Complex couplings and feedback among climate, fire, and herbivory drive short- and long-term patterns of land cover change (LCC) in savanna ecosystems. However, understanding of spatial and temporal LCC patterns in these environments is limited, particularly for semi-arid regions transitional between arid and more mesic climates.

Large-Scale Land Concessions, Migration, and Land Use: The Paradox of Industrial Estates in the Red River Delta of Vietnam and Rubber Plantations of Northeast Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018

This study investigated the implications of large-scale land concessions in the Red River Delta, Vietnam, and Northeast Cambodia with regard to urban and agricultural frontiers, agrarian transitions, migration, and places from which the migrant workers originated.

Rangeland Livelihood Strategies under Varying Climate Regimes: Model Insights from Southern Kenya

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2018
Eastern Africa

Rangelands throughout sub-Saharan Africa are currently undergoing two major pressures: climate change (through altered rainfall and seasonality patterns) and habitat fragmentation (brought by land use change driven by land demand for agriculture and conservation). Here we explore these dimensions, investigating the impact of land use change decisions, by pastoralists in southern Kenya rangelands, on human well-being and animal densities using an agent-based model.

The role of remote sensing for understanding large-scale rubber concession expansion in Southern Laos

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018

Increasing global demand for natural rubber began in the mid-2000s and led to large-scale expansion of plantations in Laos until rubber latex prices declined greatly beginning in 2011. The expansion of rubber did not, however, occur uniformly across the country. While the north and central Laos experienced mostly local and smallholder plantations, rubber expansion in the south was dominated by transnational companies from Vietnam, China and Thailand through large-scale land concessions, often causing conflicts with local communities.

Contribution of Traditional Farming to Ecosystem Services Provision: Case Studies from Slovakia

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2018

The main aim of this study is to assess the benefits provided by the ecosystems of traditional agricultural landscapes (TAL) and compare them to the outputs of large-scale agriculture. Assessment of ecosystem services (ES) was performed in four case-study areas situated in Slovakia, representing different types of TAL: Viticultural landscape, meadow–pasture landscape, and agricultural landscape with dispersed settlements and mosaics of orchards. The methodological approach was focused on assessment of all the principal types of ES—regulation and maintenance, provisioning, and cultural.