Zambia Land Alliance
Solutions for Open Land Administration
Solutions for Open Land Administration (SOLA)
In December 2012, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) successfully concluded the Solutions for Open Land Administration (SOLA) project. The 2.5 year project was funded by the Government of Finland and dedicated to implementing an open source computerised cadastre and registration system that is both affordable and sustainable in the context of developing countries.
Eastern Africa Land Administration Network
Our Vision
To become a platform for academic professionals to share ideas, country experiences, plans and ways to improve land administration training/education in Eastern Africa, among other land related issues of regional concern.
Our Strategy
Promoting and improving Land Administration Education/Training and Research in the Eastern Africa region through collaboration with academic partners
Shared Assets
Kadaster International
The Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency – in short Kadaster – collects and registers administrative and spatial data on property and the rights involved. This also goes for ships, aircraft and telecom networks. Doing so, Kadaster protects legal certainty. We are also responsible for national mapping and maintenance of the national reference coordinate system. Furthermore, we are an advisory body for land-use issues and national spatial data infrastructures.
Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos
O IESE é uma organização moçambicana independente e sem fins lucrativos, que realiza e promove investigação científica interdisciplinar sobre problemáticas do desenvolvimento social e económico em Moçambique e na África Austral.
Tematicamente, a actividade científica do IESE contribui para a análise da política pública e social e da governação, com enfoque nas problemáticas de pobreza, política e planeamento público, cidadania, participação política, governação e contexto internacional do desenvolvimento em Moçambique.
Journal of Land Administration in Eastern Africa
The Journal of Land Administration in Eastern Africa (JLAEA) is publication of the Land Administration Unit that was set up at ARU in November 2009. JLAEA mirrors the aspirations of the Land Administration Unit at Ardhi University (ARU) whose mission is to ensure quality education and training, research, scientific publications, information dissemination, documentation and public services through integrated cross disciplinary team work in land administration.
Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development (Tanzania)
The Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development has been mandated to administer land and human settlement in Tanzania. It provides various land related services to individuals and institutions in the country, and provides advice to government and the public on matters pertaining to human settlements development
Land Development and Governance Institute
Land Development and Governance Institute
MISSION: To contribute to improved livelihoods through offering a bridge between communities, stakeholders and policy makers in the promotion of equitable access and sustainable management of land and natural resources.
Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning (Kenya)
To facilitate efficient land administration and management, acess to adequate and affordable housing, social and physical infrastructure for national development
To be a globally competitive organization in sustainable management of Land and built environment