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Urban stakeholder analysis for food waste prevention and reduction in Sri Lanka

December, 2022
Sri Lanka

Mapping stakeholders and their potential roles for prevention and reduction of food waste (FW) supports a coherent, coordinated and complementary approach to quantification, causes identification and scaling up of feasible solutions for significant returns on investment. State and nonstate stakeholders were mapped in selected municipalities: Colombo metropolitan area (Colombo, Sri Jayewardenepura-Kotte, Negombo, Kaduwela and Moratuwa municipal council areas), Jaffna, Kandy, Batticoloa, Kurunegala and Galle.

Environmental, Social, and Economic Challenges in Lowland Rice Production

December, 2022

The CORIGAP project was implemented in six main rice granaries in South and Southeast Asia. The project introduced several country-specific sustainable best management practices, including nutrient management, pest management, water management, and several postharvest technologies, among other specific practices. This chapter introduces each country and its respective challenges to rice production. It outlines cultivation practices, historical developments, and their impacts on opportunities for the development of the rice sector.

CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems - Plan of Work and Budget 2021

December, 2020

Led by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), WLE is a collaboration between CGIAR Research Centers, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the RUAF Foundation, and several national, regional and international partners. Through these partners, we provide evidence and solutions on natural resource management to influence key decision makers, including governments, international development organizations and financiers.

Proceedings of the multi-actor and multi-disciplinary trainings and consultations on food waste prevention and reduction in Sri Lanka

December, 2022
Sri Lanka

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12.3 of the UN 2030 Agenda calls for halving per capita global food waste (FW) from retail to households. Food waste (FW) prevention and reduction play a major role in ensuring the sustainability of food systems as well as effective Solid Waste Management (SWM). A coherent, coordinated, and complementary approach to quantification causes identification, and scaling up feasible solutions is necessary.

FR2.3: What influences women's participation in water governance? Preliminary findings from Bangladesh

December, 2021

The Bangladesh polder zones cover 1.2 million hectares of agricultural land and are home to around eight million people with women playing a critical role in agriculture and food systems. With limited access to and control over productive resources and incomes, women are disproportionately vulnerable to climatic risks. Their ability to make important decisions can have positive outcomes on the governance of natural resources, agricultural productivity, and livelihoods.

Community water management and agricultural extension services: effects, impacts and perceptions in the coastal zone of Bangladesh

December, 2019

The coastal region of Bangladesh is prone to natural disasters and these events are expected to worsen as a result of climate change. Combined with anthropogenic factors, these events challenge livelihood opportunities, especially crop production. Waterlogging, tidal activity and the lack of proper drainage facilities are major constraints to agricultural production in these areas.

Framework for advancing water resource sustainability and climate resilience through local-scale hydrological modeling in the Mekong Delta

December, 2022

The Mekong Delta is a vast region that is crucial for providing food to millions of people. However, climate change and human activities are causing water scarcity, floods and soil salinization, which are a threat to food security and livelihoods. To tackle these issues, the CGIAR Initiative on Asian Mega-Deltas (AMD) is working towards creating more resilient, inclusive and productive deltas that can adapt to climate change and other challenges.

Framework for advancing water resource sustainability and climate resilience through local-scale hydrological modeling in the Ganges Delta

December, 2022

The Ganges Delta has large agricultural landscapes that provide food for millions of people. However, changes in climate and anthropogenic activities are causing water scarcity, floods and soil salinization, threatening food security and putting livelihoods at risk. To address these challenges, the CGIAR Initiative on Asian Mega-Deltas (AMD) is working to create more resilient, inclusive and productive deltas that can adapt to climate change and other stressors.

Ukama Ustawi's Learning Alliance: summary and key insights

December, 2022

Knowledge management and sharing is essential for agricultural development, fostering the exchange of valuable information and innovative practices among researchers, farmers, and extension officers. Recognising this, regional initiatives such as Ukama Ustawi (UU) play a critical role in ensuring that research findings are not confined to academic journals but are made accessible to those who need them the most.

Circular Bioeconomy Innovation Hub: the case of Ghana. Annual report 2023

December, 2022

In response to the escalating waste management challenges triggered by rapid urbanization and its effects on resource use and the environment a Circular Bioeconomy Innovation Hub (CBE-IH) has been set-up in Ghana, under the leadership and facilitation of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) with the support of CGIAR Initiatives Resilient Cities and Nature Positive Solutions.

Inclusive landscape management plan for the transformation of agrifood systems in Ahafo Ano Southwest District of Ghana

December, 2022

Inclusive landscape management (ILM) is a holistic approach to managing landscapes that considers the needs of all stakeholders, including local communities, indigenous peoples, and marginalized groups. This Inclusive Landscape Management Plan (ILMP) seeks to provide a framework for the sustainable management and development of landscapes in the Ahafo Ano Southwest District (AASWD) of Ghana.

Roundtable synthesis: setting a demand-driven research agenda for advancing Anticipatory Action and addressing Fragility, Conflict, and Migration dynamics

December, 2022

In fragile and conflict-affected settings and host communities, hunger, severe malnutrition, and water insecurity are on the rise, directly impacting the resilience of food, land and water systems. The interplay of these issues often gives rise to conflict and forced migration, with women and other marginalized groups disproportionately affected due to their limited access to channels of power and influence during shocks and crises.