Water users' associations in Central Asia: opportunities and challenges for development [Abstract only]
The presentation first guides to the challenges of water management. First are old challenges related poor conditions and physical deterioration of irrigation and drainage systems; while new ones such as the rising number of farming units not aligned with hydraulic boundaries; variety of crops grown therefore diverging irrigation schedules; mismatch between on-farm irrigation system and smaller farming units; and dissolution of former water management units of collective farms.
Water resource management in the Dong Nai Basin: current allocation processes and perspectives for the future
Water supply and demand for dry season rice in the coastal polders of Bangladesh
Water management policies of Central Asian countries: integration or disintegration?
Water rights in informal economies in the Limpopo and Volta basins
Most African countries underwent water legislation reform since the 1990s, through
which existing plural legal systems were changed into nation-wide permit systems, in
which the state acts as custodian of the nation’s water resources. Although globally
heralded as the best way to manage water resources within the broader context of
Integrated Water Resource Management, this project examines the problematic
implications of the new laws for the majority of the rural and peri-urban poor. Since time
Water productivity impacts in the Nile BDC projects
In early May 2011, people working on the Nile Basin Development Challenge (http://nilebdc.org) met in Addis Ababa in a 'science and reflection workshop'. In this session 4 of the workshop, participants discussed what-how-why of some of the different aspects of water and productivity across Nile projects. This video contains video reports from the group discussions