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Issues land registration related Blog post
There are 3, 640 content items of different types and languages related to land registration on the Land Portal.
Displaying 13 - 24 of 35

Achieving and sustaining tenure: experiences from Uganda

15 July 2022
Simon Peter Mwesigye

The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) has a lot of experience across the world in implementing tenure security projects. Like no other, they understand the threat insecurity of tenure has on people’s livelihoods and food security and have made it their mission to secure tenure rights for all. LAND-at-scale is working with GLTN in Uganda to design a scalable approach towards improved tenure security and sustainable land use for men, women and youth on customary land.

Restoring Land Rights in the Aftermath of War: Country Insights Digest #3 - October 2021

14 October 2021
Anne Hennings

Over the last month the news all over the world broke with stories about the departure of US forces from Afghanistan and its takeover by the Taliban. Many wonder what the future will bring to those who remained and to those who fled the country. This thought immediately raises all sorts of questions which include 'what will happen to access, control, and ownership of land in states of transition?'


Challenges in ‘pro-poor’ land registration: What lessons on crisis and resilience?

05 July 2021
Gemma van der Haar

Over time, land registration has been associated with a diversity of desired outcomes, ranging from modernization and the promotion of sustainable agricultural production to protection of the livelihoods of small-scale producers notably women, peacebuilding or even nurturing good practices of local governance. In this session we have discussed, for a range of settings: How confident are we about the results of registration and formalization program? How have they been justified and have the ambitions been reached?

Hope for Land Ownership in Tumaco, Colombia

24 February 2021
Nicholas Parkinson

The pandemic has shown the Colombian government how structural land issues continue to hamper rural development.

Colombia’s hospitals have been challenged due to Covid-19, and while the government rushes to strengthen the country’s healthcare system, intensive care unit occupancy remains high throughout the pandemic.

Interventions to meet the 50-50 gender parity of land ownership in Zambia: Is enough being done?

22 February 2021
Olipa Katongo Kunda

When a woman has legal access to and control over land and its profits, she improves her own life and that of her family.  In order for this to happen, equitable laws, policies, systems and customs that promote and support women’s land ownership must be put into effect.

Open Data and Corruption in Land Governance

29 January 2021
Marcello Demaria

The data revolution – characterised by the transition to big data, open data and new digital data infrastructures [1] – is projected to make an astonishing 44 billion terabytes of digital data and information available by the end of 2020 [2]. Despite this plethora of information now available to us, about 1 billion people in 140 countries still feel insecure about their land and property rights [3].

USAID Brief Reveals Linkages between Gender-Based Violence and Documentation of Women’s Land Rights

23 November 2020
A USAID brief, published to mark 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, reveals important lessons from land rights registration activities in Zambia

Securing women’s land rights is an important global development goal and has been linked to significant gains in women’s economic empowerment and community development. At the same time, the process of documenting these rights can create resentment and increase conflict not only between spouses, but also within families and communities, often leading to gender-based violence.

A New Hope

15 October 2020
Simon Norfolk
Maria Muianga

This is the story of how dozens of communities in Mozambique are mapping and documenting their own land rights. "A New Hope" is the winner of the Land Portal's Second Data Story Contest, and is authored by the team at Terra Firma Mozambique.  


Communities Push for Recognition of their Land Rights in Kenya

19 December 2019

Matito Leruso was born and raised in the herding community of Lengurma in Isiolo County. Communal grazing land has been central to her community’s livelihood, wellbeing, and identity for generations, but they have never had their legal rights to govern it recognized. None of Kenya’s thousands of pastoralist communities have. This changed in 2016, with the passage of the Community Land Act. Since then, Matito has joined other residents of Lengurma in working to understand, use and shape the new law to ensure that their community land rights are respected and upheld.