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Issues decentralization related Blog post
There are 638 content items of different types and languages related to decentralization on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

Engaging migrants in natural resource management: Lessons from Indonesia

05 July 2021
Dr. Jia Yen Lai

Environmental policy interventions often result in conflicts because they fail to recognize people’s identity and sense of belongings, as shaped through the places where they live. A recent paper explores a case study of a palm oil project in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in which competing claims of recognition and land rights have led to conflict between transmigrants and indigenous Kutai people.

Titling Priorities

16 April 2019
Nicholas Parkinson

Maritza Losada moved to Puerto Guadalupe five years ago when her husband found a job with a large biomass energy company that grows sugar cane. She and her husband purchased a lot in the town’s poorest neighborhood, Barrio Nuevo. The district remains today much like it was in 1995 when the government created the housing project for future agro-laborers: no roads, no sewage, no gutters.