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Issues customary law related News
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26 October 2023
The Land and Development Expertise Center (LADEC) and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) are excited to announce their partnership for a new LAND-at-scale project in Burundi: "Justice pour Toutes et Tous dans la Gestion des Conflits Fonciers" (JTT-GCF) (in English: Justice for all in the
20 February 2023
In South Africa rural citizens argue that by signing the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act, the President made the abusive actions of traditional leaders legal. However they have no issue with the fact that, at last, the law recognises Khoi and San leaders and communities.
22 September 2022
The Bill seeks to regulate the structure and functioning of traditional courts in a uniform way. It also sets out to transform the traditional justice system to conform with constitutional values.
9 August 2022
Freetown, August 8, 2022 – Sierra Leone’s Parliament has passed two groundbreaking bills that transform communities’ ability to protect their land rights and the environment. The new legislation serves as a model for the rest of the world.   Passed by unanimous votes, the Customary Land Rights and
6 December 2021
The Netherlands Agency for Enterprise and Development (RVO) is pleased to announce its collaboration with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) in Bamako, SNV, the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), the University of Legal and Political Sciences of Bamako and the National Coordination of
18 November 2021
ONE year ago, on July 27, 2020, three tribes who live around the border between Indonesia’s Kampung Naga area in Boven Digoel, Papua, and Kampung Kuem in Papua New Guinea, sent a claim letter to Tunas Timber Lestari. Representatives of the Kuranop, Ekogi, and Gembenop tribes protested against
15 February 2021
(Main photo: A tribal jirga in the southeastern Afghan province of Khost) Mohammad Ayaz lost two family members last summer in a clash with a rival family over an irrigation channel in southeastern Afghanistan.
6 November 2020
A Recent Victory In September 2020, President Mokgweetsi Masisi amended the 2015 Land Policy to give married women in Botswana the right to own land. Previously, married women were only eligible to own land if their husbands did not. The policy excluded not only married women but widows and single
16 July 2020
I write to you as a Kombo native; and as a Gambian, to express my concern at the continuing expropriation of customary lands. The gravity of the crisis is causing a sense of insecurity in Kombo’s traditional landowners.
22 June 2020
Like different land management systems across the world, land management systems varied in different territories. 
3 February 2020
Global Land Alliance seeks a dynamic, highly motivated and self-propelled consultant to engage with a wide range of regional stakeholders to increase engagement with the Prindex initiative, encourage the utilization of its research findings for policy reform, and expand the initiative in specific
6 January 2020
The Hadzabe people of northern Tanzania are one of the world’s oldest communities. Living at the base of the Rift Valley, believed to be the origin of human species, the Hadzabe live as they always have. For tens of thousands of years, the Hadzabe have hunted and gathered food in their forests.

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