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Impacts of the Hutan Kamasyarakatan Social Forestry Program in the Sumberjaya watershed, West Lampung District of Sumatra, Indonesia

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2008
South-Eastern Asia

This paper investigates the impacts of a social forestry program in Indonesia, Hutan Kamasyarakatan (HKm), based on analysis of a survey of 640 HKm and comparable non-HKm plots in the Sumberjaya watershed of southern Sumatra, and of the households operating those plots. The HKm program provides groups of farmers with secure-tenure permits to continue farming on state Protection Forest land and in exchange for protecting remaining natural forestland, planting multistrata agroforests, and using recommended soil and water conservation (SWC) measures on their coffee plantations.

Assessment of the Economic Impact of Cruise Ships to Vanuatu

March, 2016

The World Bank Group, DFAT-Australia,
and Carnival Australia have partnered to conduct this study
of the economic impact of cruise ship tourism in Vanuatu.
Data gathering and analysis for this study was carried out
by Net Balance Management Group. Over the past 10 years,
Vanuatu’s cruise arrivals have grown by 15 percent per year.
Cruising to Vanuatu has been buoyed by an advantageous
location within a few days’ sail of Australia, a varied

Cambodia Trade Corridor Performance Assessment

December, 2014

The study found that logistics costs are
high due to transshipment costs and various forms of
payments. Many of these payments are imposed by the private
sector with little or no transparency on how or where the
costs are incurred. International trade corridors in
Cambodia therefore perform well in terms of time but not
cost. However, the corridors with transshipment have higher
costs than the national corridor between Phnom Penh and

Paraguay Poverty Assessment : Determinants and Challenges for Poverty Reduction

February, 2013

This report provides technical
assistance and capacity building on the poverty measurement
methodology of the Paraguayan government. The report makes
several policy recommendations concerning urban labor market
trends and opportunities for employment, rural factor
markets and poverty, and ex-ante evaluation of the expansion
of cash transfer programs in Paraguay. The report concludes
that in order to increase productivity it is important to

Assessment of the Regulatory Philosophy of Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India

March, 2013

The report has a high quality and
discusses the main issues of regulation. The overall aim is
that it reflects best practice regulation. Furthermore, AERA
is an independent regulator accountable to democratic
bodies. Also in that respect the regulatory institutions in
India are well designed and superior to the majority of
European countries which have dependent regulators open for
regulatory capture.

Lao People's Democratic Republic - Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) : Public Financial Management Assessment

March, 2012

The purpose of the Public Expenditure
and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessment is to provide
the Government of Lao PDR (GOL) with a concise,
standardized, objective, indicator-led assessment of the
country's public financial management (PFM) systems to
provide a benchmark against which to measure the further
strengthening of Lao PFM. Partial assessments have been made
in the past. However, this is the first comprehensive

Republic of Croatia : Financial Sector Assessment Update

June, 2012

This Financial Sector Assessment (FSA)
summarizes the structural and developmental aspects of the
2007 Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) update
report for the Republic of Croatia. An in-depth elaboration
on the stability and prudential oversight aspects of the
FSAP Update, including factual updates of core principles
and Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSCs),
are summarized in the Financial System Stability Assessment

Pakistan - North West Frontier Province : Public Financial Management and Accountability Assessment

June, 2012

The North West Frontier Province (NWFP)
is the third largest province of Pakistan. The province is
landlocked and the land routes to the north are few and
difficult, passing through hilly terrain. The province
itself is largely mountainous, with only 30 percent
cultivated land. Nearly 50 percent of the population lives
in the mountainous and arid areas. The province shares a
long border with eastern and southern Afghanistan and most

Yemen Poverty Assessment : Volume 4. Poverty Profile

June, 2012

From what was historically known as
'Arabia Felix', a land of prosperity and
happiness, Yemen has become the most impoverished among the
Arab countries. The government of the united Yemen, formed
in 1990, has launched so far three five-year economic reform
plans with the goal of restoring Yemen's prosperity.
Have these efforts succeeded? What policies are needed to
further reduce poverty? The poverty assessment report aims

Tajikistan : Poverty Assessment Update

June, 2012

The primary purpose of this paper is to update the Poverty Assessment from June, 2000, and to give an assessment of the poverty situation in Tajikistan in 2003 and changes since 1999. The paper is part of an on-going program of work conducted in close cooperation with the Government, based on the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper and the ongoing work of the PRSP Expert Group. The work program includes the production of a series of relatively short analytical papers rather than one full poverty assessment every four years or so.

Russia : Financial Sector Assessment

July, 2013

This Financial Sector Assessment (FSA)
is a summary of some of the findings of the Financial Sector
Assessment Program (FSAP) report for the Russian Federation,
which was prepared jointly by the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) and the Bank in close cooperation with the
Russian authorities. Given the small size of the financial
sector, the effects of a potential financial sector distress
on the macro-economy would be relatively small. However,