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Issues statute law related News
There are 107 content items of different types and languages related to statute law on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8

Couple fined $7,000 for trespassing on state land next to Seletar house for nearly 15 years

22 January 2021

Main photo: Tan Teck Siong and his wife Cheah Mee Poh have been respectively fined $4,000 and $3,000 for their offences. ST PHOTOS: WONG KWAI CHOW

SINGAPORE - For close to 15 years, an architect and his wife unlawfully occupied 144.2 sq m of state land next to their three-storey house in Jalan Tari Zapin in Seletar, which was built in 2005 but had been left vacant since.

Research: land use challenges for Indonesia's transition to renewable energy

02 July 2020

(MENAFN - The Conversation) The world's fourth-highest emitter of greenhouse gases , Indonesia, is heavily reliant on coal to generate electricity. Its coal-fired power plants produce a third of the country's emissions.

To minimise its future greenhouse gas emissions, Indonesia is gearing up to develop its vast renewable energy resources - including solar, wind, and geothermal.

Indonesia also aims to meet its future energy demand, which is set to grow another 80% by 2030 .

Thomson Reuters Foundation’s TrustLaw: Free Legal Services for NGOs

12 September 2018

TrustLaw is the Thomson Reuters Foundation’s global pro bono legal programme. We connect high-impact NGOs and social enterprises working to create social and environmental change with the best law firms and corporate legal teams to provide them with free legal assistance. We produce groundbreaking legal research and offer innovative training courses worldwide.

The World's Only Prize for Legal Empowerment is Back: Apply or Nominate today!

31 October 2017

Across the globe, grassroots organizations are combatting injustice by helping people to understand, use, and shape the laws that affect them. Few of them receive the recognition they deserve. We want to change that. 

In 2015, Namati launched the world’s first competition to celebrate great deeds in the field of legal empowerment. This year, the biennial Grassroots Justice Prize returns -- bigger and better than before. 

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