There are 865 content items of different types and languages related to land inheritance rights on the Land Portal.
Achieving SDGs through land rights (tenure security) for women
Land in Tanzania is a scarce resource without which life cannot be sustained (FAO, 2007), and it is “increasingly recognized as an important governance issue” around the global (Palmer et al., 2009, p.1). Hundreds of millions of people including farmers, herders, forest dwellers and agro-industries all rely on land resources for their survival.
Tier II Status Looms on GLII’s Road to Manama 2017 – Reclassifying the Land Indicators
By Jamal Browne
Since the adoption of the global indicator framework by the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) back in March 2016, significant progress has been made on a set of tenure-related indicators – familiarly referred to as the ‘land indicators’ – primarily through the efforts of the Global Land Indicators Initiative (GLII).