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Issues cadastral administration related Blog post
There are 556 content items of different types and languages related to cadastral administration on the Land Portal.
Displaying 25 - 28 of 28

For billions without formal land rights, the tech revolution offers new grounds for hope

21 March 2018
Klaus W. Deininger

Many of today’s increasingly complex development challenges, from rapid urban expansion to climate change, disaster resilience, and social inclusion, are intimately tied to land and the way it is used. Addressing these challenges while also ensuring individuals and communities are able to make full use of their land depends on consistent, reliable, and accessible identification of land rights.

Making Sand into Gold

06 December 2017

Those of you who have visited Dubai in recent years may relate to what I am going to say: Dubai is in the middle of the desert, and its land, not that long ago, was really worth nothing. Now it is one of the most vibrant international cities in the world. All this happened in a relatively short time span.

Tier II Status Looms on GLII’s Road to Manama 2017 – Reclassifying the Land Indicators

By Jamal Browne


Since the adoption of the global indicator framework by the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) back in March 2016, significant progress has been made on a set of tenure-related indicators – familiarly referred to as the ‘land indicators’ – primarily through the efforts of the Global Land Indicators Initiative (GLII).