Indigenous sheep genetic improvement schemes for Ethiopian smallholder farmers and pastoralists
Institutional assessment for climate change adaptation, Didahara, Borena, southern Ethiopia
Insuring against drought?related livestock mortality: Piloting index based livestock insurance in northern Kenya
Climate related shocks are among the leading cause of production and efficiency losses in smallholder crop and livestock production in rural Africa. Consequently, the identification of tools to help manage the risks associated with climactic extremities is increasingly considered to be amongst the key pillars of any agenda to enhance agricultural growth and welfare in rural Africa.
Inter-connection between land use/land cover change and herders’/farmers’ livestock feed resource management strategies: A case study from three Ethiopian eco-environments
We assessed land use/land cover changes from remotely sensed satellite imagery and compared this with community perceptions on availability/use of livestock feed resources and feed deficit management strategies since the 1973s in three districts representing the pastoral, agro-pastoral and mixed crop-livestock eco-environments of Ethiopia.
Inter-flock differences in small ruminant productivity in the central Mali agropastoral system
Interventions for African pastoral development under adverse production trends
Reviews the characteristics of African pastoralism. Describes the major technical land institutional interventions along with the reasons why they have proved so difficult.
Integrating index-based livestock insurance with community savings and loan groups in northern Kenya
Integration of remote sensing techniques for resource evaluation in pastoral systems research
Reviews most recent applications of methodologies for resource surveys appropriate to pastoral & agro-pastoral regions in Africa, with particular reference to remote sensing methodologies, viz. satellite imagery, aerial photography, side-looking radar (SLR), spectral radiance and low-altitutde aerial survey. Discusses the integration of remote sensing techniques with ground truth within the context of rapid appraisal methods and early warning procedures within a livestock systems research approach.
Intelligent design of index insurance for smallholder farmers and pastoralists
Abstract not available.