Chamba farmers denied land rights
By: Neena Sharma
Date: January 15th 2016
Source: Tribune News Service / Tribune India
By Agencies, Citizen Digital
Published on 24 November 2015
It’s a hot, windy afternoon in Kiboya village. Dusty leaves swirl around William Ekidor, his wife Martha and their two sons as they sit under an acacia tree by the Kajunge dam, queuing with their animals for water.
By: Georgi Gotev
SPECIAL REPORT/ In a wide-ranging exclusive interview, Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan shared his vision of how the EU and developing countries could greatly improve global food security togther, through innovation and sustainable farming practices.
In rural Nigeria, 80 percent of small scale farmers are women. Yet very few own land -- held back by a lack of resources and conservative male attitudes. Activists are calling for more rights for women farmers, including access to land and credit.