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There are 6, 654 content items of different types and languages related to aménagement du territoire on the Land Portal.
Displaying 4525 - 4536 of 5058

Ordonnance nº 2000-914 relative à la partie Législative du Code de l'environnement.

Septembre, 2000

Basée sur l’ordonnance n° 2000-914 du 18 septembre 2000 modifiée par l'ordonnance n° 2012-6 du 5 janvier 2012, la partie législative du Code de l'environnement français comprend sept (7) livres, entre autres, les dispositions communes (Livre I); les milieux physiques (Livre II); les espaces naturels (Livre III); le patrimoine naturel (Livre IV); la prévention des pollutions, des risques et des nuisances (Livre V); les dispositions applicables en Nouvelle-Calédonie, en Polynésie Française, à Wallis et Futuna, dans les terres australes et antarctiques françaises et à Mayotte (Livre VI); et la

Décret n° 2005-268 du 21 juillet 2005 fixant en matière de protection de l’environnement et de gestion des ressources naturelles, les modalités d'application de la loi n° 2003-308 du 07 juillet 2003 portant transfert et répartition de compétences de l'...

Juillet, 2005
Côte d'Ivoire

Le présent Décret fixe les modalités d'application de la loi n° 2003-308 du 07 juillet 2003 portant transfert et répartition de compétences de l'Etat aux Collectivités Territoriales en matière de protection de l’environnement et de gestion des ressources naturelles, notamment la protection des forêts, la gestion et la protection des cours d’eau nationaux et internationaux; la gestion des déchets, la protection de la biodiversité, la lutte contre la pollution, la gestion des aires protégées; la gestion du littoral.

Reglas de Operación del Programa de Ordenamiento Territorial y Esquemas de Reubicación de la Población en Zonas de Riesgo para el ejercicio fiscal 2015 y subsecuentes.

Décembre, 2014

En el marco del objetivo de promover el uso y ocupación eficiente del territorio nacional, las presentes disposiciones rigen la operación del Programa de Ordenamiento Territorial y Esquemas de Reubicación de la Población en Zonas de Riesgo. Dicho programa tiene por objetivo orientar el uso óptimo del territorio, impulsar el desarrollo sustentable de las actividades económicas y elevar la calidad de vida de la población, fortaleciendo la ocupación ordenada del territorio.

Community Titles Act 1996.

Mai, 1996

This Act provides for the division of land into lots and common property, and for the administration of the land by the owners of the lots. A plan of community division may, in addition to dividing land into community lots and common property, create one or more development lots to enable division of the community parcel to be undertaken in stages. A community corporation is established when a plan of community division is deposited by the Registrar-General in the Lands Titles Registration Office.

Aligned National Action Programme for Grenada’s Commitment under the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and Drought

National Policies
Avril, 2015

The Aligned National Action Programme (NAP) for Grenada’s Commitment under the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and Drought is a cross-sectoral national programme of Grenada for the period of 2015-2020. Its main objective is to prevent land degradation, and restore 10% of degraded land by 2020, and mitigate the effects of drought and other climatic shocks.The NAP is structured around five Operational Objectives. The first Operation Objective is Advocacy, Awareness Raising and Education.

Sugar Industry Efficiency (Amendment) Act 2016 (Act No. 34 of 2016).

Décembre, 2016

This Act amends the Sugar Industry Efficiency Act 2001 in various sections relating to, among other things: definitions, conversion of land in case of sale of land to the Government, ensuring the quality of sugar products produced under this Act (and quality control including HACCP), other matters regrading conversion of agricultural land in land used for other purposes.

Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure and Section 62A Applications) (England) (Amendment) Order 2016 (S.I. No. 944 of 2016).

Septembre, 2016

This Order amends the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010, the Town and Country Planning (Section 62A Applications) (Procedure and Consequential Amendments) Order 2013 and the Town and Country Planning (Section 62A Applications) (Written Representations and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2013 so as to make new provision in respect of the circumstances in which an authority may be designated under section 62A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, and where, as a consequence, an applicant making certain types of application for plannin

Planning and Development Act 2004.

Septembre, 2004

This Act provides for: (a) in relation to land development for – (i) the promotion and co-ordination of the orderly and economic use and development of land; (ii) the proper management, development and conservation of natural and man-made resources for the purposes of promoting the social and economic welfare of the community and a better environment; (iii) use of land for public purposes; and (iv) ecologically sustainable development; (b) for the appropriate sharing of responsibility for planning and development between the different levels of government.

National Forest Policy Statement – A New Focus for Australia’s Forests.

National Policies
Décembre, 1991

This Statement outlines agreed objectives and policies for the future of Australia's public and private forests. The Governments share a vision of ecologically sustainable management of Australia's forests. This vision has a number of important characteristics: 1) The unique character of the Australian forested landscape and the integrity and biological diversity of its associated environment is retained. 2) The total area of forest is increased. 3) There is a 'holistic' approach to managing forests for all their values and uses so as to optimise benefits to the community.

National Rural land Use Policy 2015-2020.

National Policies
Mars, 2015
Îles Salomon

The National Rural Land Use Policy NRLUP 2015 – 2020 supports the implementation of the National Agriculture and Livestock Sector Policy and the National Action Plan to address Land Degradation. NRLUP is intended to deliver on the Government's policies targeting the land users from rural to national level. NRLUP shall be guided by the following principles: Alignment with and guidance from the national constitution. Gender equity and involvement of youth, children, people with special needs and church leaders.

Ley Orgánica reformatoria al Código Orgánico de organización territorial, autonomía y descentralización (COOTAD).

Juillet, 2016

La presente Ley Orgánica reformatoria al Código Orgánico de organización territorial, autonomía y descentralización (COOTAD), respecto al ejercicio de las competencias para planificar, construir y mantener la infraestructura física y los equipamientos de los espacios públicos destinados al desarrollo social, cultural, educativo, de salud y deportivo.Asimismo, respecto a la conclusión del proceso de conformación de regiones, cuyo plazo máximo será de veinte años.

Enmienda: Código Orgánico de organización territorial, autonomía y descentralización (COOTAD). (2010-08-11)