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Thèmes / Land & Food Security

Land & Food Security

Producing food for the world’s growing rural and urban populations starts with agricultural land. Reducing current high levels of hunger and malnutrition, as called for by the Sustainable Development Goals, will depend on land use decisions and governance from the global to the local level. Although about 40 percent of the world’s land is used for crop production and pasture, today some 800 million people remain food insecure and as many as 2 billion are malnourished. Achieving food security requires physical, social, and economic access to safe and nutritious food.

Resources for Land & Food Security


An Evaluation of Factors that Have Influenced Housing Policy Development in Uganda

The document titled "An Evaluation of Factors that Have Influenced Housing Policy Development in Uganda" provides an in-depth examination of the various factors that have shaped the development of housing policy in Uganda, tracing its evolution from colonial times to the present. This analysis is particularly relevant to land governance and land tenure security, as housing policies often directly impact these areas.
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17 Septembre 2024

L'Académie des maires arabes est ravie de présenter la prochaine session de sa série de webinaires en cours, « Construire des économies locales résilientes et une gestion durable des terres pour un avenir urbain productif ». L'événement est conçu pour les dirigeants municipaux, les maires, les…

9 Septembre 2024

Un nouveau projet de recherche financé par le CRDI a récemment été lancé afin de promouvoir une aquaculture durable dans la région de l’Asie-Pacifique et de contribuer à la mise au point d’innovations plus écologiques pour ce secteur vital.


Janvier 2011 to Janvier 2016

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:

The project will aim to reduce land fragmentation through participatory land use consolidation for climate resilience and inclusive business models, to increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers, and to strengthen the institutional capacity of key institutions on land governance aspects. The LAND-at-scale component is integrated into the broader Agricultural Innovation Project (AIP phase II) implemented by GIZ Egypt, co-financed by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The project was developed in close collaboration with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Egypt.

Project duration:


Reliable access to land plays a central role in food security and poverty reduction as well as for the sustainable use of natural resources. In contrast, poorly defined land use rights encourage conflicts between different population and land user groups and prevent investment in the conservation and restoration of biodiverse landscapes.

Project duration:
The project will contribute to community preparation to intervene in an informed manner in the land sector and will also contribute to the delimitation of community and individual land-use rights based on good faith occupation and customary rights, and their integration into the formal land system.
Project duration:
The project aims to contribute to the development of a structured and scalable approach towards improved tenure security and sustainable land use for men, women and youth on customary land, which is obtained using fit-for-purpose and participatory tools and approaches.
Project duration:


Context Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2019, it ranked 182nd out of 189 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). 70% of the population lives in rural areas and is highly dependent on agriculture. However, almost no agricultural land is registered or legally recognized. This can threaten farmers' rights to use the land they cultivate and thus their entire livelihood.

Project duration:


Côte d'Ivoire is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
The country module Ethiopia of the Global Project Responsible Land Policy is a continuation of the project “Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment” (S2RAI) implemented on behalf of the BMZ and with financial support from the European Union from March 2016 until June 2019 and thus capitalizes on previous lessons learned and products developed. Some of the main achievements include a digital land investment management and monitoring system (CAMiS), the development of contract templates, monitoring guidelines as well as the Guidelines for Social and Environmental Practices of Responsible Commercial Agriculture in Ethiopia (SECoP). Additionally, S2RAI supported the decision to redefine ceilings for agricultural investments from 1 million ha to 1,000 ha for domestic and 3,000 ha for foreign investors.
Project duration:
United States dollar


Small-scale farmers, the agrarian economy and other interest groups will be connected beyond their counties, to develop innovative technologies and market chances, to increase the production and the food security.

United States Agency for International Development


The AgroInvest project aims to accelerate and broaden economic recovery in Ukraine and contribute to global food security efforts by creating a more inclusive and competitive agricultural industry. In particular, AgroInvest is expected to increase awareness among

Janvier 2016 to Janvier 2020
United States Agency for International Development


The Agriculture and Rural Development Support (ARDS) project will support broad-based, resilient economic growth through a more inclusive, competitive, and better governed agriculture sector that provides attractive livelihoods to rural Ukrainians. The project

Janvier 2010 to Janvier 2015

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:

The project will aim to reduce land fragmentation through participatory land use consolidation for climate resilience and inclusive business models, to increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers, and to strengthen the institutional capacity of key institutions on land governance aspects. The LAND-at-scale component is integrated into the broader Agricultural Innovation Project (AIP phase II) implemented by GIZ Egypt, co-financed by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The project was developed in close collaboration with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Egypt.

Project duration:


Reliable access to land plays a central role in food security and poverty reduction as well as for the sustainable use of natural resources. In contrast, poorly defined land use rights encourage conflicts between different population and land user groups and prevent investment in the conservation and restoration of biodiverse landscapes.

Project duration:
The project will contribute to community preparation to intervene in an informed manner in the land sector and will also contribute to the delimitation of community and individual land-use rights based on good faith occupation and customary rights, and their integration into the formal land system.
Project duration:
The project aims to contribute to the development of a structured and scalable approach towards improved tenure security and sustainable land use for men, women and youth on customary land, which is obtained using fit-for-purpose and participatory tools and approaches.
Project duration:


Context Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2019, it ranked 182nd out of 189 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). 70% of the population lives in rural areas and is highly dependent on agriculture. However, almost no agricultural land is registered or legally recognized. This can threaten farmers' rights to use the land they cultivate and thus their entire livelihood.

Project duration:


Côte d'Ivoire is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
The country module Ethiopia of the Global Project Responsible Land Policy is a continuation of the project “Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment” (S2RAI) implemented on behalf of the BMZ and with financial support from the European Union from March 2016 until June 2019 and thus capitalizes on previous lessons learned and products developed. Some of the main achievements include a digital land investment management and monitoring system (CAMiS), the development of contract templates, monitoring guidelines as well as the Guidelines for Social and Environmental Practices of Responsible Commercial Agriculture in Ethiopia (SECoP). Additionally, S2RAI supported the decision to redefine ceilings for agricultural investments from 1 million ha to 1,000 ha for domestic and 3,000 ha for foreign investors.
Project duration:
United States dollar


Small-scale farmers, the agrarian economy and other interest groups will be connected beyond their counties, to develop innovative technologies and market chances, to increase the production and the food security.

United States Agency for International Development


Agricultural productivity of most staple crops has been stagnant, in part due to Government of the Republic of Zambia’s (GRZ) agriculture policies that exacerbate the challenges and focus on maize-centric subsides to the exclusion and detriment of other crops. The

Janvier 2015 to Janvier 2019

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:

The project will aim to reduce land fragmentation through participatory land use consolidation for climate resilience and inclusive business models, to increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers, and to strengthen the institutional capacity of key institutions on land governance aspects. The LAND-at-scale component is integrated into the broader Agricultural Innovation Project (AIP phase II) implemented by GIZ Egypt, co-financed by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The project was developed in close collaboration with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Egypt.

Project duration:


Reliable access to land plays a central role in food security and poverty reduction as well as for the sustainable use of natural resources. In contrast, poorly defined land use rights encourage conflicts between different population and land user groups and prevent investment in the conservation and restoration of biodiverse landscapes.

Project duration:
The project will contribute to community preparation to intervene in an informed manner in the land sector and will also contribute to the delimitation of community and individual land-use rights based on good faith occupation and customary rights, and their integration into the formal land system.
Project duration:
The project aims to contribute to the development of a structured and scalable approach towards improved tenure security and sustainable land use for men, women and youth on customary land, which is obtained using fit-for-purpose and participatory tools and approaches.
Project duration:


Context Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2019, it ranked 182nd out of 189 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). 70% of the population lives in rural areas and is highly dependent on agriculture. However, almost no agricultural land is registered or legally recognized. This can threaten farmers' rights to use the land they cultivate and thus their entire livelihood.

Project duration:


Côte d'Ivoire is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
The country module Ethiopia of the Global Project Responsible Land Policy is a continuation of the project “Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment” (S2RAI) implemented on behalf of the BMZ and with financial support from the European Union from March 2016 until June 2019 and thus capitalizes on previous lessons learned and products developed. Some of the main achievements include a digital land investment management and monitoring system (CAMiS), the development of contract templates, monitoring guidelines as well as the Guidelines for Social and Environmental Practices of Responsible Commercial Agriculture in Ethiopia (SECoP). Additionally, S2RAI supported the decision to redefine ceilings for agricultural investments from 1 million ha to 1,000 ha for domestic and 3,000 ha for foreign investors.
Project duration:
United States dollar


Small-scale farmers, the agrarian economy and other interest groups will be connected beyond their counties, to develop innovative technologies and market chances, to increase the production and the food security.

United States Agency for International Development


The objectives of the Feed the Future Tanzania Land Tenure Assistance activity (LTA), are to reduce land tenure-related risks and lay the groundwork for sustainable agricultural investment for both small holders and commercial investors throughout the Southern

Janvier 2010 to Janvier 2014

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:

The project will aim to reduce land fragmentation through participatory land use consolidation for climate resilience and inclusive business models, to increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers, and to strengthen the institutional capacity of key institutions on land governance aspects. The LAND-at-scale component is integrated into the broader Agricultural Innovation Project (AIP phase II) implemented by GIZ Egypt, co-financed by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The project was developed in close collaboration with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Egypt.

Project duration:


Reliable access to land plays a central role in food security and poverty reduction as well as for the sustainable use of natural resources. In contrast, poorly defined land use rights encourage conflicts between different population and land user groups and prevent investment in the conservation and restoration of biodiverse landscapes.

Project duration:
The project will contribute to community preparation to intervene in an informed manner in the land sector and will also contribute to the delimitation of community and individual land-use rights based on good faith occupation and customary rights, and their integration into the formal land system.
Project duration:
The project aims to contribute to the development of a structured and scalable approach towards improved tenure security and sustainable land use for men, women and youth on customary land, which is obtained using fit-for-purpose and participatory tools and approaches.
Project duration:


Context Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2019, it ranked 182nd out of 189 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). 70% of the population lives in rural areas and is highly dependent on agriculture. However, almost no agricultural land is registered or legally recognized. This can threaten farmers' rights to use the land they cultivate and thus their entire livelihood.

Project duration:


Côte d'Ivoire is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
The country module Ethiopia of the Global Project Responsible Land Policy is a continuation of the project “Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment” (S2RAI) implemented on behalf of the BMZ and with financial support from the European Union from March 2016 until June 2019 and thus capitalizes on previous lessons learned and products developed. Some of the main achievements include a digital land investment management and monitoring system (CAMiS), the development of contract templates, monitoring guidelines as well as the Guidelines for Social and Environmental Practices of Responsible Commercial Agriculture in Ethiopia (SECoP). Additionally, S2RAI supported the decision to redefine ceilings for agricultural investments from 1 million ha to 1,000 ha for domestic and 3,000 ha for foreign investors.
Project duration:
United States dollar


Small-scale farmers, the agrarian economy and other interest groups will be connected beyond their counties, to develop innovative technologies and market chances, to increase the production and the food security.

United States Agency for International Development


The Indonesia Marine and Climate Support (IMACS) is a four-year project that is aimed to improve marine resources management in Indonesia. IMACS is working to strengthen the management capacity of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) and local

Janvier 2010 to Janvier 2013

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:

The project will aim to reduce land fragmentation through participatory land use consolidation for climate resilience and inclusive business models, to increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers, and to strengthen the institutional capacity of key institutions on land governance aspects. The LAND-at-scale component is integrated into the broader Agricultural Innovation Project (AIP phase II) implemented by GIZ Egypt, co-financed by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The project was developed in close collaboration with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Egypt.

Project duration:


Reliable access to land plays a central role in food security and poverty reduction as well as for the sustainable use of natural resources. In contrast, poorly defined land use rights encourage conflicts between different population and land user groups and prevent investment in the conservation and restoration of biodiverse landscapes.

Project duration:
The project will contribute to community preparation to intervene in an informed manner in the land sector and will also contribute to the delimitation of community and individual land-use rights based on good faith occupation and customary rights, and their integration into the formal land system.
Project duration:
The project aims to contribute to the development of a structured and scalable approach towards improved tenure security and sustainable land use for men, women and youth on customary land, which is obtained using fit-for-purpose and participatory tools and approaches.
Project duration:


Context Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2019, it ranked 182nd out of 189 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). 70% of the population lives in rural areas and is highly dependent on agriculture. However, almost no agricultural land is registered or legally recognized. This can threaten farmers' rights to use the land they cultivate and thus their entire livelihood.

Project duration:


Côte d'Ivoire is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
The country module Ethiopia of the Global Project Responsible Land Policy is a continuation of the project “Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment” (S2RAI) implemented on behalf of the BMZ and with financial support from the European Union from March 2016 until June 2019 and thus capitalizes on previous lessons learned and products developed. Some of the main achievements include a digital land investment management and monitoring system (CAMiS), the development of contract templates, monitoring guidelines as well as the Guidelines for Social and Environmental Practices of Responsible Commercial Agriculture in Ethiopia (SECoP). Additionally, S2RAI supported the decision to redefine ceilings for agricultural investments from 1 million ha to 1,000 ha for domestic and 3,000 ha for foreign investors.
Project duration:
United States dollar


Small-scale farmers, the agrarian economy and other interest groups will be connected beyond their counties, to develop innovative technologies and market chances, to increase the production and the food security.

United States Agency for International Development


The Land Reform Project in Tajikistan (LRPT) works with government stakeholders to reform policy and land legislation, provides legal assistance to farmers to improve legal aid, and builds capacity through training and outreach for lawyers, judges, and local

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16 Décembre 2022
Photo: Landesa  (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED)   La population jeune de Tanzanie (définie comme les femmes et les hommes âgés de 15 à 35 ans) constitue environ 35 % de la population du pays. En Tanzanie, l'engagement des jeunes dans l'agriculture est considéré comme vital, étant donné que les jeunes…
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