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News & Events The State of Land Data: Transforming Africa Into a Powerhouse of the Future
The State of Land Data: Transforming Africa Into a Powerhouse of the Future
The State of Land Data: Transforming Africa Into a Powerhouse of the Future
Transforming Africa Into a Powerhouse of the Future
21 June 2023
Transforming Africa Into a Powerhouse of the Future

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Introducing the State of Land Information Index

03 May 2023

This side event will serve to introduce the Land Portal’s State of Land Information Index (SOLIndex), which measures openness of land data at the country and global level. The aim of this index is to make land-related findings more actionable and to complement existing land governance monitoring systems, such as tools developed by GLTN. The SOLIndex provides an overall indicator that assesses the openness of land data and information at global and country levels. The SOLIndex can be used as a diagnostic and advocacy tool for making land data more open and inclusive in support of good land governance.

This side event will explore the range of indicators that constitute the index, explore strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the collection of these indicators in an effort to obtain and incorporate feedback from GLTN Partners into the process of validating the indicator.

Land Portal Foundation
Blog post

Enhancing Access to Land Data: The SOLIndex and Open Up Guide

31 May 2023
Mr. Charl-Thom Bayer

As an advocate for open land data, the Land Portal Foundation aims to improve access to land data, engage stakeholders, and support actions that promote data openness. I recently had the opportunity to introduce the State of Land Information Index (SOLIndex) and talk about the Open Up Guide at the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) Partners’ Meeting in Nairobi and show how these tools play a vital role in improving access to land information.

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State of Land Information (SOLI)

The State of Land Information (SOLI) research and reports seek to provide an overview of publicly available data and information on key land issues. The aim of the research is to uncover the many different sources of land data and information at the country-level and help to identify actual data and information gaps, with a view to establishing a baseline for targeted interventions to improve the information ecosystem. 

Our robust methodology demonstrates not only trends and gaps in land data collection, but functions as a practical guide in support of improved visibility and usability of land data and information. SOLI reports serve as the first step in the implementation of the Open Up Guide for Land Governance. 

In 2019, we kicked off SOLI research in Tanzania, South Sudan, Uganda, and Kenya. We now have 15 full-length SOLI country reports available.