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Land Act (No. 19/97).

África oriental

This Act is composed of 35 articles divided into eight Chapters. It aims at establishing the terms under which the creation, exercise, modification, transfer and termination of the right of land use and benefit operates. It regulates ownership of the land and public domain, the right of use and benefit of land, powers and responsibilities of the concerned public bodies. In particular, it defines obligations to be fulfilled by foreign or national entities, as well as fees to be paid in order to obtain a licence for land exploitation.

Administration of Estates Act 1925 (15 16 Geo. 5 c 23).


This Act concerns the administration of real estate of deceased persons by personal representative of the deceased person or executor by will. The Act also makes provision for the disposal of land subject to this Act and other administration of assets. A testator may appoint, and in default of such express appointment shall be deemed to have appointed, as his or her special executors in regard to settled land, the persons, if any, who are at his or her death the trustees of the settlement thereof, and probate may be granted to such trustees specially limited to the settled land.

Law of Property Act 1925 (15 Geo. 5, c. 20).


This Act contains rules relative to real property and especially the lease and disposal of land.It prescribes rules relative to the manner of giving effect to equitable interests and powers, creation and disposition of equitable interests, vesting orders and dispositions of legal estates operating as conveyances by an estate owner, leasehold, rights on real property in case of infancy, lunacy or death, common ownership, registration of rights, etc.

Decreto Nº 24/99 - Ley del Fondo de Tierras.

América central

La presente Ley, que consta de 5 titulos y 59 articulos, crea el Fondo de Tierras (FONTIERRAS), como una entidad descentralizada del Estado, instituida para facilitar el acceso a la tierra y generar condiciones para el desarrollo rural integral y sostenible a través de proyectos productivos, agropecuarios, forestales e hidrobiológicos.

Succession and Wills Act 1913.

Isla Norfolk

This Act makes provision with respect to matters of inheritance. It adopts, subject to provisions of this Act and to any modifications effected by this Act, so far as applicable to the circumstances of Norfolk Island, the laws relating to the succession to and devolution of real and personal estate on death and to inheritance and to wills in force in New South Wales at the time of the coming into force of this Act, and more particularly the Inheritance Act of 1901 of New South Wales.

Title by Registration Act (Cap. 56:50).


This Act is divided into 13 Parts as follows: Indefeasible certificates of title (1); Bringing lands under Act (2); Titles to Land Assurance Fund (3); Transfer and transmission of land (4); Land tax, mortgages and incumbrances and the sale of incumbered land (Land tax, Mortgages, Incumbrances, Equitable mortgages, Transfer and discharge of mortgages and incumbrances, Sale of incumbered lands or estates, Crop advance warrants) (5); Judgments (6); Caveats (7); Registration and confirmation of qualified and possessory titles (8); Powers and duties of registrars of title and mode of reviewing t

Limitation Act (Cap. 83).


This Act establishes periods of limitation and other limitations for bringing actions of the various classes mentioned in the Act. Section 42 extends the applicability of the Act also to arbitration. Actions include various actions in respect of land: actions to recover land by the Crown or any person and rent; action to recover money secured by a mortgage or charge or to recover proceeds of the sale of land; and actions in respect of trust property or the personal estate of deceased persons and actions for an account.