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Countries Zambia related Blog post


Displaying 1 - 12 of 27
7 May 2024
Members of the House of Chiefs discussing Zambia's National Land Policy at a meeting organised by Zambia Land Alliance (Photo: Jesinta Kunda, ZLA) Traditional authorities in Zambia complain that the government does not consult them when land is allocated for investment projects, while communities…
16 May 2023
Robert Ndugwa
Land is a finite resource, and access to it is essential for the livelihoods of individuals and communities. To ensure that access to land is secure and equitable for all, the United Nations has set the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1.4.2, which measures individuals' land tenure security, and…
16 May 2023
Robert Ndugwa
A terra é um recurso finito, e o acesso a ela é essencial para a subsistência de indivíduos e comunidades. Para garantir que o acesso à terra seja seguro e equitativo para todos, as Nações Unidas estabeleceram os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) 1.4.2, que mede a segurança da posse…
16 May 2023
Robert Ndugwa
La terre est une ressource limitée, et son accès est essentiel pour les moyens de subsistance des individus et des communautés. Pour que l'accès à la terre soit sûr et équitable pour tous, les Nations unies ont fixé l'objectif de développement durable (ODD) 1.4.2, qui mesure la sécurité de tenure…
16 May 2023
Robert Ndugwa
La tierra es un recurso finito, y el acceso a ella es esencial para la subsistencia de las personas y las comunidades. Para garantizar que el acceso a la tierra sea seguro y equitativo para todos, las Naciones Unidas han establecido el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) 1.4.2, que mide la…
4 April 2023
  In a blog series from IIED and the Land Portal, rights defenders and practitioners in the global South reflect on their strategies to push for more responsible and sustainable land-based investments. Here, guest blogger Jesinta Kunda describes how civil society organizations were key to…
21 June 2022
Kamiji Malasha
Overcoming Land Disputes by Fostering Relationships in Communities: Experiences from Zambia’s Systematic Land Titling Program Written by Dimuna Phiri and Kamiji Malasha Unresolved disputes and disorder, can be addressed through the judicial system. However, the process is expensive, slow,…
26 May 2022
Miss Olipa Katongo Kunda
Just like many African countries, a majority of Zambian tribes follow a matrilineal system, that is, an affinity system in which descent is derived through maternal instead of paternal lines which essentially means children are recognised by the names or family of their mothers. This does not only…
8 March 2022
Sarah Lowery, Corinne Hart
In many countries men control who gets to use, own, and make decisions about land.   “We used to stay in a corner, quiet. If someone came to take our land or exploit our forests, we did not have the courage to try to stop them.” These words from a woman in Mecoburi, Mozambique reflect how women…
3 January 2022
Gender equality guidelines will motivate Zambia’s traditional leaders to champion women’s rights in land and resource management Women in Zambia, like in most countries, have less access to land, productive resources, and opportunities than men. Due to discriminatory gender norms that view men as…
5 July 2021
Dr. Gemma van der Haar, Dominique Schmid
In the second PhD session of the LANDac Conference 2021, three PhD researchers presented their work in progress. We learned about slums in Abuja, Nigeria, about forest rights in India, and about the relation between inequalities in soil fertility, gender, and access to subsidies. Each presentation…
2 July 2021
Miss Teddy Kisembo
The session addressed the impacts of land-based investments on poor and vulnerable people in the Global South. It facilitated an exchange of knowledge about the strategies that are employed on the ground to strengthen the position of these groups when it comes to negotiating for their interests…