Community / Land projects / SJO-2019-HRF-PBI - is nu 4-5778
SJO-2019-HRF-PBI - is nu 4-5778
09/19 - 04/22
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Central America is one of the most dangerous regions in the world in which to defend human rights, and human rights defenders working in Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua face risks to their physical and psychological security and well-being. Land rights and environmental defenders are es-pecially at risk, and form a large share of HRD casualties in the region. This project will therefore protect land rights and environ-mental defenders as they carry out their dangerous work, and will train them in the essential skills they need for their work, such as security and lobbying. Specific objectives (outcomes) of the project are: 1. The resilience and security is enhanced of land and envi-ronmental (W)HRDs from Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicara-gua through the protection and moral support provided through international accompaniment and observation. 2. Land and environmental (W)HRDs from Guatemala, Hondu-ras and Nicaragua develop their capacity to effectively carry out risk analysis and implement security plans and proce-dures; create and implement national and international advo-cacy strategies; and increase their resilience through direct workshops and participation in exchange spaces with other (W)HRDs from the country/region. 3. Authorities in Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica (Nicara-gua) are reminded of their international human rights obliga-tions regarding the security and protection of (W)HRDs, and the specific needs of land and environmental rights defend-ers, and take action to support and protect them.