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Community / Land projects / Provision of lifesaving CCCM activities in secondary hubs to further minimize displacement into larger urban a

Provision of lifesaving CCCM activities in secondary hubs to further minimize displacement into larger urban a


06/23 - 05/24


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ltpgtltfont face="Calibri, sans-serif"gtltspan style="font-size: 10pt"gtSomalia will see a historic sixth season in a row from which manylt/spangtlt/fontgtltfont face="Calibri, sans-serif"gtltspan style="font-size: 10pt"gt have lost their liveslt/spangtlt/fontgtltfont face="Calibri, sans-serif"gtltspan style="font-size: 10pt"gt and means of support due to the protracted drought. Humanitarian aid is required by 8.25 million people, on average. The CCCM Cluster Somalia Strategy published January 2023, show climate shocks and insecurity continue to have an impact on Somalia's population, frequently forcing population displacement. Newly displaced persons are relocated to private IDP sites in urban areas, where they live in subpar conditions and have limited access to essential services. IDP returns to their homes are incredibly rare because so many displaced families have lost their means of support and are now dependent on humanitarian aid. Majority of sites are administered by landlords or gatekeepers, and existing methods for managing land and land tenure are mostly informal. These systems don't comply to minimum requirements and have scant accountability. For displaced people to have equal access to services and protection, site-level coordination and management structures are needed. lt/spangtlt/fontgtltfont face="Calibri, sans-serif"gtltspan style="font-size: 10pt"gt“Provision of lifesaving CCCM activities in secondary hubs to further minimize displacement into larger urban areas”, aimed at enhancing response to the huge needs in Banadir’s Kahda and Deynile settlements where the risk of famine remains credible is lt/spangtinevitableltspan style="font-size: 10pt"gt lt/spangtlt/fontgtltfont face="Calibri, sans-serif"gtltspan style="font-size: 10pt"gtthus, linked to the standard allocation strategy that fits to CCCM Cluster strategic objective. Alt/spangtlt/fontgtltspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif font-size: 10pt color: black background: white"gtctivities that will lead to the achievemet of this goal include, lt/spangtltspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif font-size: 10pt"gtservice monitoring and mapping which will be done to establish the operational actors who are active on the ground and offer services in all the 30 target IDP camps in the earmarked catchment areas in Kahda and Deynile. The sites include 15 in Deynile namely: Cosoble (Center), Kulmis 3, Bulsho Kaab, Dirdhabe, Maansoor, Faqrudin, Milaano, Hodman, Dhibane, Mideeye, Duco waalid, Horseed, Shaciir, Caloofi center, Daryeel. Whereas, in Kahda Ahlu Kheyr, Camp Husni, Camp Nordin, Maandeeq Camp, Barwaaqo Center, Kuntuwareey Center, Rabi Suge, Alnacim, Camp Bardale, Nugul Center, Sarmaan Camp, Camp Shalakben, Camp Omardoon, Camp Dooyale and Garas style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif font-size: 10pt color: black background: white"gt lt/spangtltspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif font-size: 10pt"gtRegular coordination meetings with the appropriate stakeholders will keep stakeholders and service providers informed of any gaps, new developments, and activities related to service monitoring which IRDO will be holding so as to settle any problems or issues. lt/spangtltspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif font-size: 10pt"gt lt/spangtltspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif font-size: 10pt"gtA safety audit will be carried with other partners to assess the safety of the IDP settlements. A Complaints Feedback Mechanism (CFM), will be established in all the 30 sites managed by IRDO, so that the project participants can easily voice their concerns and complaints and receive prompt responses. IRDO will procure and distribute a toolkit targeting 30 IDP camps. Each toolkit will have 38 items with each camp receiving 3 Grip 500g Claw Hammer Steel Handle, 20 Durable Rubber Gloves, 3 Pig Axe for digging, 3 Spades, 3 Machetes, 3 Rakes and finally 3 Wheelbarrows in each of the camps. 258 households will be targeted to be involved in site cleaning and site improvement activities. They will work for 3 days a week earning $5 per day amounting to 12 days in a month and receive $60 on monthly basis for 7 style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif font-size: 10pt color: black background: white"gt lt/spangtltspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif font-size: 10pt"gtCamp Management Committees (CMC) Training Package on CCCM Principles targeting 240 members (8 in each camp) will be conducted to build the capacity of the CMCs which is an important aspect towards achieving localization. Towards disability inclusion, IRDO will procure and distribute mobility aid with a clear diagnosis as guided by organizations of persons living with disabilities. A total of 150 persons with disabilities are targeted upon which 65 Crutches (Elbow and Auxiliary) and 85 Wheelchairs will be procured and distributed with the support and guidance from the persons with disability in Mogadishu. Lastly, 2 community centers (1 in Kahda and another in Deynile) will be constructed so for information sharing among many other ltbrgtlt/pgt

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