Community / Land projects / Protecting and Restoring the Ocean’s natural Capital, building Resilience and supporting region-wide Investm
Protecting and Restoring the Ocean’s natural Capital, building Resilience and supporting region-wide Investm

12/22 - 12/22
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Protecting, restoring and harnessing the natural coastal and marine capital of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems to catalyze investments in a climate-resilient, sustainable post-covid Blue Economy, through strengthened regional coordination and collaboration, and wide-ranging partnerships.
Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.
Target Groups
The dependency of the societal and economic dimensions of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda on a healthy biosphere and on “Life Below Water” (“Sustainable Development Goal” or “SDG “ #14) is clearly captured in the representation by the Stockholm Resilience Centre of the 17 SDG’s shown in Figure 21 here below, with the biosphere underpinning healthy economies and societies.By contributing to the protection, restoration and harnessing of the coastal and marine capital of the CLME+ Region, the project will contribute to improvements in the socio-economic well-being of the region as a whole by:? Enhancing coordination related to ocean governance through the operations of the Ocean Coordination Mechanism (OCM) that is expected to contribute to ocean sustainability and support the transition towards sustainable ocean-based economies. It is anticipated that the OCM will also increase the capacity of governments to make more effective decisions relevant to the ocean and ocean-related sectors through improved regional monitoring and reporting processes, generating cascading effects towards an improvement of the livelihoods of local inhabitants.? Developing a cyclical Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis/Strategic Action Program (“TDA/SAP”) process, including the coordination of the periodic assessment of and reporting on the state of the marine environment and associated economies (SOMEE), and facilitating the development and implementation of regional programs and SAPs by countries, IGOs and other partners. Both the SOMEE and SAP will support regional, national, and local planning/sustainability efforts by providing an enabling environment to make scientifically informed, strategic decisions related to ocean governance and management in an efficient manner.? Supporting measures that will promote the sustainability of marine resources for the benefit of all inhabitants of the CLME+ region, contributing to food security for the region. ? Increasing the protection of the marine environment, through area-based conservation measures, such as marine protected areas or other effective conservation measures (MPA/OECM), improved ecosystem-based management, and sustainable fisheries, including habitat restoration initiatives and addressing climate change issues.? Upscaling ocean-based sustainable development & livelihoods/blue economies, through the implementation of micro-financing and other activities aimed at improving the health of coastal and marine ecosystems, catalyzing sustainable fisheries management and addressing pollution reduction in marine environments. Through these activities, the project is expected to contribute to poverty alleviation by improving the livelihoods for inhabitants of coastal communities in the region. ? Promoting interactive and participatory coordination for the conservation and sustainable use of marine living resources that will support meaningful and inclusive participation of all segments of society, including marginalized individuals and groups, in its design, implementation and monitoring phases. The principle of inclusiveness and equity will be applied for all project activities.? Implementing measures for the use of ecosystem-based management (EBM) and the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF). Both EBM and EAF promote the sustainability of marine resources and increase the socio-economic resilience of local inhabitants. ? Expanding the integration of planning efforts on the “Blue Economy” and Marine Spatial Planning across the region which is expected to assist with post COVID 19 and post hurricane economic recovery and contribute to improved measures on climate change mitigation and adaptation. REFERenCESAl Masroori, H., H. Al Oufi, J. McIlwain and E. 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