Community / Land projects / FLC: HSHC - Further strengthening governance and forest rights through piloting of inclusive benefit sharing b
FLC: HSHC - Further strengthening governance and forest rights through piloting of inclusive benefit sharing b
12/17 - 12/18
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Tanzania Agricultural Modernization Association (TAMA) intends to implement a one year Amka Mwanamke Campaign project that aims at empowering marginalized women to secure land rights in Muleba District. The project seeks to promote positive change in polic ies and customary laws those deprive women's rights to land ownership by 2018; to strengthen women's capacity to have voices and confidence to protect their rights to access own and have full control over land and other family resources; promote awareness and accountability among land owners local leaders and existing land councils on equitable distribution of land resources gender equity and equality by 2018. The need for this project is that In Tanzania laws that support women's rights to land ownership h ave been enacted but a great milestone- does not bring all women to the end - customary practices regarding marriage and inheritance continue to discriminate heavily against women. The government and other development partners have been carrying out their roles to facilitate implementation of land policy and laws to ensure women's ownership of land but such roles need other joint efforts to collaboratively increase awareness and empower more women to fight for their rights hence this project.The expected de velopment impact of this project is Women in Muleba District have access to and control over land. Project outcomes will be; increased capacity knowledge and skills among marginalized women on their rights to have access to and control over land; village a nd Ward Land Councils are accountable and ensure equitable distribution of land resources for women; increased access to information education and communication services and materials for women about land distribution registration and land rights. Main ben eficiaries in this project are women and the main implementing Agency is Tanzania Agricultural Modernization Association (TAMA). Why TAMA was chosen it's because the Land issue and particularly women's land rights is a sensitive issue which needs support s o that many women can enjoy their rights socially and economically as land is a basic resource from which human beings and almost other living creatures depend on for their living. For more information about TAMA click the following website: .