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Community / Land projects / Agricultural and Human Development in Moatize, Tete Province

Agricultural and Human Development in Moatize, Tete Province


01/16 - 12/18


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The Project aims at reducing poverty and increasing food security through activities focused on Agricultural and Human Development in Tete Province, Moatize District. More specifically with this Project, our partner SSM (Sociedade Salesiana de Mozambique) is developing actions to increase agricultural production and families incomes in the rural area of Moatize District including also communities affected by mining explorations. SSM has a strong and long term presence in the distric of Moatize having developed rural projects during the last 9 years. The main Project Logic is contributing to: - poverty reduction in 18 communities of Moatize District including some resettlements from mining explorations. - increase families income thanks to agricultural production improvement and better access to local market - Improving the services offered by "Centro Agrícola de Mameme II" about trainings in agriculture and human development - developing of groups and associations of local farmers in order to reduce their vulnerability. - strengthening relations between farmers associations - supporting female and male prisoners of Tete and Moatize through agricultural and human development trainings - strengthening the use between target communites of renewable energies and sustainable us of natural resources. - Spreading messages about renewable energies and sustainable us of natural resources, land rights, associations etc. through Radio Comunitaria D. Bosco. In order to rich Project's main goals SSM is going to work in close relation with "Ministério da Agricultura", (Direcções Provinciais e Serviços Distritais de Actividades Económicas - SDAE) and Ministério da Mulher e Acção Social, (Direcção Provincial e Distrital da Mulher e Acção Social de Tete e Moatize).

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