- Commodities (Global Forest Watch)

Global Forest Watch (GFW) is an online platform with map viewer which provides data closely related to global forest land. Hence, many data sets thematically overlap with the ones of interest to the land governance sector. The data set “Commodities” is a compilation of data related to concessions and usage rights for private initiatives. The data is not yet complete and only shows for a number of countries, depending on the selected layer. The Global Forest Watch (GFW) encourages experts to contribute to the data; the data is derived from the GFW Open Data Portal, where more information on contributing institutions is provided in detail.
View e.g. the layer "managed forest concessions" in our Geoportal
Why does data on commodities matter for the land governance community?
What is the status?
What is the methodology?
What are the main results?
Who is involved?
The data is provided by Global Forest Watch (GFW), but a compilation of concession data from varios contries and sources. Detailed copyright information can be derived in the Global Forest Watch Open Data Portal:
Official site:
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