Venezuela is a country of extremes and paradoxes. On the one hand, it is at the top of the world ranking of oil reserves with 303,806 million barrels estimated in 2021. On the other hand, 96% of Venezuelan households live in poverty and 79% in extreme poverty. Between 1920 and 1975 Venezuela obtained the highest economic growth on the planet with the oil boom. Since 2013 its gross domestic product decreased by 62%, and since 2017 it has hyperinflation reaching the highest levels in the world. In 2019 the annualized inflation was 39,113%.
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18 August 2022
El Gobierno Bolivariano ha entregado 12 millones 591.300 hectáreas de terreno a través de su política de Ley de Tierra.
El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, aprobó este miércoles la creación de la Comisión Nacional de Tierras (CNT), en calidad de ente consultivo y participativo, para…
04 August 2022
Con el título “El único dueño del país son sus ciudadanos”, el Frente Institucional Militar (FIM), organización que agrupa a 256 oficiales de diverso rango, exige que al país se le explique y se aclare sobre el anuncio de permitirle a Irán utilizar un millón de hectáreas de territorio venezolano,…
10 July 2019
Hundreds of Venezuelan campesinos shook the country's political landscape in July 2018 when they embarked on an 'admirable' march of over 400 kilometers, on foot, to draw attention to the issues they face in the countryside and demand a meeting with President Maduro. A meeting did take place, with…
24.4% of Venezuela is agricultural land, a percentage that has remained practically unchanged since the early 1990s. The use of land for agricultural purposes in Venezuela is limited by the uses recognized under the Land Law.