With a surface area of 56,790 km², Togo is one of the smallest countries on the African continent. Although land legislation is still influenced by the colonial legacy, one of the distinctive features of the Togolese system is the recognition of customary rights. Unlike other African cities, the inhabitants of the capital Lomé gained access to property very early on. Although Togo has one of the highest rates of agricultural expansion in West Africa, large-scale land acquisitions are a marginal phenomenon and plantation farming remains dominated by smallholders.
Socio-economic indicators
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Land Area
5,439,000 ha
2,124.8 USD
Total population
Urban population
41.7 %
Land-related indicators
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Agricultural land
70.2 %
Perceived tenure security
62.8 %
Women owning land
1.4 %
NewsBrowse all
24 July 2023
Togo needs CFA1.715 billion to develop its mango industry over the next five years, ending in 2028. The 2024-2028 Action investment plan for the mango sector was recently validated by the Ministry of agriculture. This was done in collaboration with the Interprofessional Council of the sector.
10 June 2023
Le gouvernement togolais examiné et adopté vendredi en conseil des ministres un projet de décret portant approbation de la politique forestière du Togo 2021-2030. Cette politique vise à l’horizon 2030 une couverture forestière de 26%. Elle permet de réduire la dégradation et la régression des …
29 May 2023
Pour cette année 2023, le Togo se donne pour ambition de planter 15 millions de plants d’arbres, sur une superficie de plus de 136 000 hectares, dans le cadre de sa politique de reboisement et de lutte contre le changement climatique. Ceci, en cohérence avec l’objectif de planter 1 milliard d…
The first category of contracts is called dibi-madibi, an expression from the Twi language in Ghana which means "you eat a little, I eat a little". Broadly speaking, it is an agreement between a landowner who entrusts the development of a plot of land to a farmer, who shares the fruits of the harvest with the landowner in varying proportions.
BlogsBrowse all
16 May 2023
A terra é um recurso finito, e o acesso a ela é essencial para a subsistência de indivíduos e comunidades. Para garantir que o acesso à terra seja seguro e equitativo para todos, as Nações Unidas estabeleceram os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) 1.4.2, que mede a segurança da posse…