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Map of Italy


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Land Area
29,571,700 ha
41,929.4 USD

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08 May 2024
At the Land Portal, we believe that data and information are powerful tools for achieving our vision of a land governance system that benefits those with the most insecure land rights and the greatest vulnerability to landlessness. However, information sources remain highly fragmented,…
07 May 2024
A public selection is announced, based on qualifications and interview, for the award of  a postdoctoral assignemnt for the performance of research activities inherent to the Scientific Area "Earth Sciences" to be carried out at the Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis of the CNR…
11 February 2022
Do you have experience in managing (project) budgets, finances and administration? Would you like to work remotely with a small international team of enthusiastic and driven people in the non-profit sector? The Land Portal offers you a great opportunity in a versatile working environment and would…



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