land reform
Latest News
09 October 2023
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the Netherlands embassy in Bagdad (EKN) and the Netherlands Enterprise and Development Agency (RVO) are delighted to announce a LAND-at-scale project in Iraq. Over the coming three years, the project will work to initiate policy dialogue on the land legal framework reform and work to secure tenure rights for Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and returnees in Iraq
The rebirth of anti-elite land politics in Ruto’s Kenya
23 May 2023
If the invasion of the Kenyatta property resurrected the ghosts of Mau Mau, where did it leave the land question in central Kenya?
Zimbabwe’s resettlement experience from 1980 to 2000
03 April 2023
Ian Scoones reviews land reform related resettlement schemes which formed part of the post-Independence land reform efforts from 1980 to 2000. These initiatives had phases,reflecting the wider political economy, especially via the legal framework for land appropriation and redistribution by the state.
There are 2, 447 content items of different types and languages related to land reform on the Land Portal.
A government policy of splitting up agricultural land and dividing it up between those people who do not own any land.