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02 Novembro 2021

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COP26: Don’t Be Fooled by Bolsonaro’s Pledges

02 Novembro 2021

(Sao Paulo) – Brazil’s climate commitments and policies fall far short of what is needed to address the environmental and human rights crisis in the Amazon rainforest. Brazil’s delegation arrives in Glasgow for the global summit on climate change with a national climate action plan that is less ambitious than its previous one, and with forest conservation plans that either lack deforestation reduction targets or set them at far less ambitious levels than Brazil’s prior commitments. 


Brazil indigenous people tell COP26: you need us to solve climate crisis

01 Novembro 2021

BRASILIA, Nov 1 (Reuters) - Brazil's indigenous people said on Monday they would tell a U.N. climate conference that the world needs their expertise in protecting the Amazon rainforest to solve the global warming crisis.

The groups - who say they are facing increasing threats from loggers, miners and Brazil's own climate-skeptic government - told Reuters they had brought 40 envoys to the COP26 conference in Glasgow, their biggest ever international delegation.

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The Glasgow Climate Pact and land rights: the good, the bad and the ugly

16 Novembro 2021
Anna Locke
Lizzy Tan

Prindex Co-Director Anna Locke and Researcher Lizzy Tan break down the summit’s final text after their time on the ground at COP26.

The mood is mixed coming out of Glasgow. There’s relief that the world didn’t step back from the 1.5°C goal and that rich countries will provide more climate finance. There’s delight that the check-ins on progress will now happen every year. There’s resigned acceptance that the coal phase out was phrased down to make it into the final text.

But there’s real frustration and fear as well.

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In the Philippines, community forestry can help the climate agenda, and vice versa

28 Outubro 2021
Koen Kusters

In conversation with Heidi Mendoza

The Filipino government can generate new momentum and resources for its longstanding community-based forest management programme, by placing it more centrally in its climate policies. This could benefit forest-dependent communities, but only if mistakes from the past are not repeated, argues Heidi Mendoza. It requires a better understanding of the conditions and constraints for community forestry.

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Meet the people our leaders should be listening to at COP26

29 Outubro 2021
Anna Diski
Helle Abelvik-Lawson

World leaders are failing ordinary people on climate change. From Fairbourne in Wales to China and Japan; the Amazon and Congo rainforests to the Pacific Islands – here are some of the people our leaders should be listening to at the COP26 global climate talks.

World leaders are meeting this week at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow to agree stronger pledges to stop the world warming to dangerous levels.


COP 26 side event: Securing Land and Territorial Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience

10 Novembro 2021

 Wednesday Novemeber 10th @ 9.00H - 10.30H GMT

Securing land and territorial rights that are people centred, gender just and age sensitive, provide an essential basis for indigenous peoples and local communities to contribute with nature-based solutions to

International Land Coalition
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact
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COP 26 side event: A new vision of climate finance from indigenous peoples and local communities

01 Novembro 2021

Monday, November 1, 11:00 - 12:30 GMT

Although growing evidence demonstrates the primary role of indigenous peoples and local communities in protecting forests and biodiversity, an analysis of climate funds invested over the past 10 years shows that these have not reached the communities where nature protection activities are actually at stake. 

Global Environment Facility
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They work the land. They protect the land. Does COP26 notice?

22 Novembro 2021

Indigenous peoples and local communities are included in the final version of the 26th session of the UN Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP26)’s decision text, a definite success compared to previous years. Direct financing for these groups has also been celebrated as a key success at COP26. However, how much progress was actually made, and which groups were kept on the side-lines? Many challenges still remain, and there is more to be done to include farmers’ voices in key discussions and decision-making.

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